I would like to encourage everyone to check out these websites. They can be tools as well as informative. Some of the stories are interesting and slightly humorous.
I want to hear about your websites and projects in the making.
Many people these days are into Facebook and Myspace. I have a Facebook, but since I work on government systems, I cannot access it at work. I have decided to use this to start networking with people around the world. I simply want to meet new people, find out what they do and, hopefully, learn something from them. Please feel free to enlighten
I finally gradjeated basic training and am an official soldier, just 10 more weeks and I'll be known and hated as a military police officer. love to all and please send me mail
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I'm on pass today. I love being able to do whatever I want until 1700 (5:00pm civilian time). I've only spent 2 hours on the phone, had 2 coffee's and one crunch bar. I can't wait to get out of training and into my duty station.
I miss everyone, please send mail to the address below.