Title: Eyes On Me - Hikaru
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Hikato w/ one-sided slight YabuHika
Disclaimer: I own them without owning them :]
Summary: Hikaru always had feelings towards Keito, ever since he first laid his eyes on him. But when he see Yabu fake kiss Keito during a photo-shoot or Wink Up, he couldn't hold back. What exactly does
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Comments 44
BTW, the fic is cute ^^ I just ish I had inspiration to right. All my ideas are either really, REALLY crack or err... perverted T_T
I need sleep =.=V
and thanks >< I still think i need to rewrite D: ugh its so rushed and doesnt flow right >< (im a perfectionist even when im tired XD)
and y'see, you can do perverse fanfics XD i cant, because im a guy and its all like "... oh perverted 15 year guy! watch out!" or something lmao
I love it when Keito's seme. =w=
And I know this isn't related to the fic, but I see you're using and icon I made. Credit please?
and you really think it was? XD i still think it was my worst one written yet D: much rewrite it to make it flow better ><
lmao yay seme-keito XD
... i wouldnt mind if he was my seme bahaha okay ima stop now before it gets even more awkward than it already is ^^;;
anyways thanks for your thoughts >< but i still think my writing is horrid D: totally thinking of editing this later ><
and gotta love the coincidences in the world XD
Naaah. Mine's more horrid. O_O
Yes. Weird but funny. xDDD And here's another coincidence, we have the same layout. xD
Aw, i dont think that ><
LMAO i think every has this layout XD its so popular XDXD i might change it later maybe~ but its so cute :O
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