to anyone who hasnt seen it, you should. its beautiful. the end is absolutely amazing.
i wish hbo would play it all the time instead of randomly. but i have the dvd but only the first half, and i wanna watch the ending again cause its beautiful.
my mom got mad at me because the shooting pain in the back of my jaw and the tooth that's coming in might be one of my wisdom teeth and supposedly they're expensive to get out. i didn't know teeth were so complicated. i find it quite stupid but once i go to the ortho i'll be enlightened and possibly missing another part of me. i dont like that. yes
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"You go up the moutaintop and all you're gonna get is a great big heavy stone tablet handed to you with a bunch of rules on it." Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
ugh i must find that book, stupid barnes n noble!
wink wink nudge nudge anyone want to buy it for me?
here i am listening to all these songs that make me remember all these great moments and all the thoughts that are sparked up by the lyrics. it's wonderful. it really is. it's like flying above the clouds and looking down on the rolling whiteness below. it's so startling and amazing and beautiful and absolutely terrifying. thinking of the future
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hi, my name is ________ ________! I like ________!!! If I were a symbol I would be _______. My favorite song is ________! I am a ___________. I love to _________! __________ __________ __________ ___________!!!!
my reply "uhhh" yeah that was an odd experience. i still dont know what the question was. hmmmm oh well. so im back from london. to all of you who i promised to buy you something, uhh i tried but the fact that a dollar should be relatively equal to a pound but is actually worth about half a pound, made me feel very very poor. fun trip, i love
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