Summary: Kame and Jin, Ueda and Junno, Ryo and Yamapi, Masuda and Tegoshi, Koyama and Shige all have a hidden past. They all are turned against each other. What happens if they forget each other, and start building new memories? And what happens if they remember again?
Disclaimer: Why is it that everyone think's I'm Johnny?! I really shouldn't need
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Comments 5
Anyways, loved the chapter! Still a little bit confused about the whole cloned Ueda thing. I mean, so when Ueda was born, there was a clone Ueda growing up alongside him? Yay~ You're listening to Your Seed! Lol, sorry. Seriously, post your fics on fic communities, everybody would love them and you'd get a lot of rating and reviewing~
OHMYGOSH It's Ryoda vs. Junda!!! :DDDDDD I always loved faceoffs thingies like that~~~~~ I want MORE. NOW. PLEASE?
No, I still think my writing's too horrible to put up in communities. >:D
I'll be keeping an eye out for updates!
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