Summary: Kame and Jin, Ueda and Junno, Ryo and Yamapi, Masuda and Tegoshi, Koyama and Shige all have a hidden past. They all are turned against each other. What happens if they forget each other, and start building new memories? And what happens if they remember again?
Summary: He wouldn't mind dying, because he might come back to life again. But take away the only person he has ever loved, and not be able to follow his lover to the next life, Ueda Tatsuya makes a dangerous enemy. Nobody would stop him from taking revenge. Anyone stopping him must be eliminated. Forever.
Summary: In a land full of creatures like vampires and demons, people cannot be ever trusted. There are half-blood creatures, their blood mixed with both vampires and demons. They are cursed with both extreme power and hate, and are called "Elflings". Feared for their reputation, they are reviled by the common people. But not everything is certain
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Summary: He wouldn't mind dying, because he might come back to life again. But take away the only person he has ever loved, and not be able to follow his lover to the next life, Ueda Tatsuya makes a dangerous enemy. Nobody would stop him from taking revenge. Anyone stopping him must be eliminated. Forever.
Disclaimer: Well, I own a Break the Records
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Summary: He wouldn't mind dying, because he might come back to life again. But take away the only person he has ever loved, and not be able to follow his lover to the next life, Ueda Tatsuya makes a dangerous enemy. Nobody would stop him from taking revenge. Anyone stopping him must be eliminated. Forever.
Disclaimer: Well, I own a Break the Records
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Summary: There is a lake in a forest. It is the center of every hero’s dream; a place of insanity and obsession. Many have disappeared, whispered to never return. But in that place is someone waiting for the final reincarnation to begin, and the water dance to finish, after the long centuries.
Disclaimer: I am not Johnny. I don't own anything,
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Summary: Ueda Tatsuya is a slave. Nishikido Ryo is his master. Simple. Yet, how can situations be so complicated? What are their intentions?
Disclaimer: I wish I could order Ueda in one of those Lollita dresses, with a dorky Taguchi in a prince costume. They would arrive in a nice box, with "caution for moaning sounds" pasted all over it. Yeah. I
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