Jan 09, 2009 23:46
A question for those of you who moderate livejournal communities:
I'm launching a new community soon and I want to be an effective moderator. What are some of the qualities that make an effective moderator? How do you determine the rules for the community, and what do you do if somebody breaks those rules?
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Comments 12
Seriously, though, this is basically how I moderate shit on my own LJ:
1. If you have something to say, say it.
2. If someone says something that bothers you, you're welcome to tell them.
3. If you're a dickwad, someone's probably going to tell you you're being a dickwad.
4. Sure, you can BE a dickwad if you want to, but then you probably won't learn anything, and that's no fun. Neither is being told you're a dickhead. So, you're encouraged to play nice. But not required. ;-)
5. If you're not sure whether something you want to say is "okay", see rule #1.
If it's a community that requires a little more strictness than above, some kind of warning system/three strikes, might make sense? I'm not really sure, otherwise. I like communities that kinda run themselves, very much like peaceofpie's rules suggest. :)
What would lead you to feel that a community required more strictness than that?
1. Have an ego the size of a small solar system. No, make that every solar system EVER.
2. Pretend to be nice to people who break the rulez and then make fun of them elsewhere.
3. After behind-the-back snarking, BUST OUT THE CAN OF WHOOP ASS because we all know just how important RULEZ are. If any are broken, THE WORLD COULD SUDDENLY FLATTEN ITSELF, thus making a lot of stupid people suddenly brilliant. We wouldn't want that.
4. Make up more rulez just in case the current rulez are not enough to create worshipers in the Church of Modz.
5. Eat a cookie.
If you're using lj to run a contest, or have narrow standards for content (art, recipes) and format (photos, tags), then be clear what you want, but in a forum-style community I think a nice general statement is totally adequate. (i.e. *play nice* or, *don't make me use my mod stick*)
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