To Read:
agentotter A Slip of the Tongue SGA
eretria ... SGA
finding_jay Prescince SGA
synecdochic SGA: City on the Edge of Forever BSG
prolix_allie Against All Others Rating: PG
Genre: Gen. (I'm pretty sure; let me know if I'm wrong! *is new*)
Character/Pairing: Cally, Chief Tyrol
Warnings: Angst, fake-swearing, references to airlocking.
Notes: Not mine. Also, this story takes place in the same universe as Double-Talk and if you've read that you might notice a little self-plagiarism.
Spoilers: Through Crossroads II
Prompt: #6
Summary: Family meant fighting; growing up with seven older brothers had taught her that. But it also meant that after you fought you stuck around, which was the part her husband seemed to have trouble with.
trinityofone IronyRating: PG
Pairing: McKay/Carter-ish
Spoilers: '48 Hours,' tangentially through 'Phantoms'
Length: ~2600 words
Summary: Sam thinks up a more fitting punishment for McKay after '48 Hours.'
panisdead TreedRating: PG
Wordcount: 2450
Characters: Rodney, Ronon
Summary:Rodney and Ronon sitting in a tree.
friendshipper Second Verse (Same as First)Word Count: 3000
Rating: PG-13, gen(ish)
Characters: Teyla, John, a little of the rest of the team
Warning: Non-con(ish) situations. Dark. Issues with a capital "I".
Summary: "The Marines call it the Planet of the Willing Virgins, you know." It's the "willing" part that's debatable.
Notes: Takes place before "Missing". Er, sorry about stealing the title of the challenge like that. It was supposed to be a working title, but it stuck.
rillarillaGot Them Tied-to-an-alien-totem-pole BluesRating: PG-13, gen(ish)
Pairings: John/Elizabeth, Elizabeth/Cameron
Spoilers: Ghost in the Machine
Summary: Being tied to alien totem poles gives John and Elizabeth plenty of time to fight, make up, fight again, and figure out how they got to this point.
The X Files
RestitutionPairing: Alex Krycek/Marita Covarrubias
Spoilers: Herrenvolk to The Truth.
Summary: Sometimes, to face the future, you have to face the past.
Warning: This work includes references to rape.
Harry Potter
nineveh_uk An extract from The Witch’s Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Baby Care, by Alarica Rosier. Chapter Nine: What if my Baby is a Squib?Word Count: 1900
Rating: PG
Summary: "I found this book engaging, informative, and frank. The chapter on "What if my baby is a Squib?" is particularly valuable for the responsible mother seeking full information on the best way to deal with the situation." Medea Mulciber, The Daily Prophet
Warnings: In the style, if not the words, of the BBFC, this fic contains moderate eugenics and mordant humour.
Author's note/Disclaimer: This fic was prompted by a thread on baby-care books at