So I've been biking recently. At first it was just to class, the library, etc. and back.
But today I biked 8 miles in one go with a friend. I'd eventually like to work up to 20 miles.
I'm hoping Jenny will let me back into
twothingirls so I can really track progress, but this is just for the meantime.
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Comments 3
After the move up to WI I haven't had energy to do aaanything. D:
I had to walk to class, and then I brought my bike up from NB and started biking. And the mileage just started increasing. When I did eight miles without pause, had fun, and didn't feel like crap afterwards, I realized this could be my form of excersise, because I REALLY enjoy it.
I used to run cross country. I fucking hated that sport. I had fantasies at night about murdering my coach.
This is just pure FUN.
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