Mar 25, 2006 14:14
I'm kinda in so-so mood today. Glad I have friends. Stayed up late last night playing WoW kinda sleepy. But I have RPG over at a friends house tonight. Not sure what I want to do. Need more friends to stop by my store and see me. Wink-Wink-Nudge-Nudge.
Mar 15, 2006 16:34
Welp did my Taxes for my Business. Not going to get a lot even tho I in a Money Pit here at my Business. Maybe with what little I get I can some Product in the store for sall. LOL. If the Landlord dosen't kick me out.
I'm very glad I friends.
Mar 08, 2006 16:04
Oh well another dull day at the Store..Wish I could get more customers.
May be I should just end it all. This is really getting to me. Day after Day of no customers. I'm even beginning to dislike playing WoW. That used to be alot of fun for me. OH well.