Hey look at that, it's January. I haven't posted in a good while...livejournal seems to be losing out to facebook...everyone's new Internet addiction
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I think that last night was exactly what I needed. Good food. Good conversation. Scrabble. Poker. Euchre. Not even noticing the time pass by. Not in bed til 2! These things should happen more often. I think I'd feel...happier?
Gumdrop quit. Kill me now. By the same token, it took all of 4 minutes to figure out how to cover her job. She claims she was overworked. She quit because she was overworked. Bottom line... she = stupid. That is all.
Up to now, "work stress" has been a euphemism for most work abuse. Stress becomes abuse when we understand that stress may be the direct result of managerial practices perpetrated for the purpose of unnecessary control at the expense of workers' health and productivity.
I'm going through Victoria withdrawal not seeing you and talking to you every day. Email me...tell me what's new with you...I've been craaaaazy busy but I miss you.