I have been knew about Indonesian magazines "BINTANG" that provide one full page article for Chinen Yuuri. But I never buy that, because I feel I have been know about all Chinen Yuuri's stuffs...XD So i never know about the content of article too.
But some time ago,
murasaki_anima translated that into English
HEREAnd then when I read them, I realized that I'm
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Comments 63
Have you try to contact them? Or write to the tabloid's 'message from readers' section? You have the right to be credited, since I don't really know where else to find a magazine translation about Chii beside your journal, and the contributor surely can't compile all of the infos in a very short time.
I hope this problem can be resolved soon ^____^
and now I feel kinda guilty too TT_TT
karna gw ga taw email mereka apa..
lo bisa kasih penjelasan tentang data halaman chinen itu?
halaman berapa? edisi bintang ke berapa? terus kapan terbitnya? terus email mereka apa?
Tabloid Bintang
Edisi 997, Tahun XX, minggu ketika Juni 2010
Halaman 35
Soal email-nya saya kurang ngerti juga, tapi ada website tabloid-nya di http://www.tabloidbintang.com/
Brani yah inboxnya dibanjiri ratusan email XD~
wah, kurang ajar banget ya -_- ga mikir apa, seenggaknya kalo mau ngambil minta izin dulu kali? atau kasih credits gitu -____-
rese emangggg deh kan majalah indonesia gak pernah bener sekali aja napa???
*ikutan ngamuk2*
yg sabar ya... lama2 beneran dikirim juga surat kritik buat mereka -_-
majalah indonesia sering begitu sih... kadang2 bikin artikel malah suka ngarang! D:
bikin sebel aja...
pengen sih kirim surat protes ke mereka...
aku niatnya mau ngirim tapi gatau alamat dan gak pernah beli majalah bintang, wakakka.
kapan2 deh...
aku dah taw sih.XD
tapi kepuasannya berbeda bukan? compare if you know it from someone else and you find and compile it yourself =)
well, you have the rights to get angry at it but just think the other way around, like... they recognised your informations, maybe? ^^
don't give up on translating, you have tons of supporters here waiting your translation =D we'll always back u up~
gw ga masalah klo translation gw dishare tanpa dapet bayaran...
tapi klo dikomersilkan gw ga rela donk...
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aku juga dah berusaha sabar...
iya salahnya bego lagi...
emank tolol deh..
emank harusnya gw aja yg nulis..XDDD
thanks y natz..^^
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