Indonesian Magazines Steal My Translation

Jun 25, 2010 23:13

I have been knew about Indonesian magazines "BINTANG" that provide one full page article for Chinen Yuuri. But I never buy that, because I feel I have been know about all Chinen Yuuri's stuffs...XD So i never know about the content of article too.
But some time ago, murasaki_anima translated that into English HERE
And then when I read them, I realized that I'm ( Read more... )

rant, daily

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Comments 63

ratuquinn June 29 2010, 05:18:12 UTC
ya ampun kak~ ternyata yang dipake artikel kakak~ untung saya ga beli~ saya udah skeptis sama artikel majalah2 Indonesia sii~

trus tentang credit meng credit banyak tuh grup fb hsj yg ngespam inbox saya pake transletan artikel chinen kakak dikredit sii, tapi apa kakak ga keberatan mrk ga minta izin dulu, habis saya risih mereka cuma bisa ngepost doang -,-

maap kalo ga penting :p


kenken18 June 29 2010, 14:05:59 UTC
mereka udah minta ijin sih..(yg grup FB ntuh)
tapi kayaknya izinnnya mo kucabut setelah insiden bintang ntuh


gitcheegoo July 2 2010, 10:40:08 UTC
well that's what you can expected from indonesia
mau diapain lagi ndez, emg negaranya suka plagiarism juga
kalo lu emg ga suka, translation lu semuanya dijadiin locked posts aja mendingan
lagian sebenernya yg paling dicontek kan sebenernya justru majalah jepang, indo ga mau bayar biaya buat interview langsung dan malah nyontek info dari translation org2 di internet
biasalah, indo..
ntar suatu saat juga pasti kena batunya lah, ndez
karma itu ada, ya kan? ;)


kenken18 July 2 2010, 13:39:59 UTC
iya jen..TT
tapi mereka udah minta maaf ke gw sih...
sedikit lega jadinya...

dan gw udah bikin community buat nge lock translation gw..hohoho


brosiscomplex July 2 2010, 15:34:22 UTC
I can see that
mending gitu lah hahaha, lagian lj lu jadi lebih bisa dirapihin jadinya :3


kenken18 July 2 2010, 16:25:10 UTC
iya jen..XD


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kenken18 July 3 2010, 15:14:41 UTC
dia udah minta maaf ke gw..
jadi ya gw memaafkan aja deh


joieavrille November 15 2010, 13:02:52 UTC
Now that's really unfair. Some people just don't know how to respect others and don't have a sense of decency. I am a writer and I will definitely feel bad if someone did that to me and to my work. I'm sure those people don't know a thing about plagiarism even though they work for a magazine. This really saddens me. Have you thought of ways of preventing this from happening again? But it's really hard right because you post your work on the internet and anyone can just steal it and claim it as theirs. That's the big problem with the internet.

I commend you for voicing out your opinion. I totally support you. *pats back* Gambatte!


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