Bleh, school was a boring this time as it was the first time. But I promised Kenshin i'd go so I've got no choice. maybe i can just go to sleep or something during the boring parts...
GYA! I don't wanna see another couple kiss, or grop each other again! I don't care if 'I'm going to care in the future' I don't know and i dont' wanna see other people do it! >( The next couple i see are gonna get a good whap on the head with my shinai >(
Hey, I just saw Kenshin downtown. He like completely ignored me and looked really serious. I mean really serious his eyes were all slanty like and everything. So, anyone know what's up with that?
((Ooc: Yahiko's bad about looking at all stuff so he iddn't think to look down at previous posts. Someone please feel free to point shishio out ot him
Looks like it's a good thing I didn't go on that school trip. They said I was supposed to as part of my summer school, but I told them I couldn't leave my pet behind.
Speaking of witch, he's getting really strong! I can't wait to try him in a real battle!