Financial Woes - Sort Of.

Mar 25, 2009 17:21

I am putting money automatically into savings every month from my paycheck, and apparently it's a damned good thing I'm doing so.  Even though my savings account is slowly growing, my checking account is stagnating and refuses to ever get above a certain dollar amount.  This is very frustrating because I am putting a FAR LARGER portion into ( Read more... )

money, being a grownup

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Comments 16

bantunianpeanut March 26 2009, 17:46:32 UTC
Last time I bought clothes was from I wait until they have sales and buy their $5 shirts. I'm not very fashionable and only buy clothes when I really need them, and then, usually from Gabes,, or secondhand. I wait until shoes are out of season or out of style and go on sale before buying them. I definitely spend no more than $350 a year on clothes. I have a lot of clothes from high school I still wear, haha. My mom gives me hand-me-down clothes from her friend's neighbor who happens to wear the same sizes as me! (lucky me.) My mom always buys me some clothes for Christmas too, and that really helps. This year she got me a nice down coat and a pair of corduroys probably worth $100 total. I don't let her waste her money on knickknacks or useless objects! I tell her I need clothes, not useless crap. lol. So that helps out a lot too ( ... )


bantunianpeanut March 26 2009, 17:50:51 UTC
Also, give it some time. Sounds like you are just recovering from furnishing your place, and that costs WAY more money than you realize. Now that you have all the furnishings you need, I bet it'll be easier on the checkbook. I furnished a trailer after moving there and it ate my wallet alive. I couldn't believe it. =P


keribear March 26 2009, 18:48:25 UTC
I get what you mean about possessions owning you more than you own them. I cleaned out my closets today and am throwing out a BUNCH of stuff I don't need. And I haven't even allowed myself to tackle my sweaters, yet - I know that would mean ANOTHER huge trip to Good Will. I have no idea how I accumulate so much... and I feel guilty having it and guilty having to get rid of it. Trying to simplify my life is probably a good priority to have right now. It's just that new shoes are so SHINY. ;) But there have got to be other ways for me to cut back on STUFF that I buy. This is good to keep in mind. :)


shamrokk March 27 2009, 07:17:37 UTC
Bah, I wish you lived closer. I'd totally take all your old clothes!


k473 March 26 2009, 22:04:17 UTC
I agree with a lot that has already been said. I don't eat out very much, and I pay for stuff in cash as much as possible. I take out 40$ cash a week- 20 for crossing the bridge to work and 20 for spending money. I also check my credit account about once a week which helps me keep a handle on how much I'm spending better than if I just wait for the monthly bill. I try to keep my groceries relatively low too, about 20$ a week, but I do go grocery shopping once a week and bring lunch with me to work.

As for clothes, I tend to spend about 50-100$ a month. You have a Loehmann's near you? That place is great for designer stuff. I know Gabe's isn't around, because I wish I had one! :)


blumenkind March 27 2009, 01:11:28 UTC
I totally totally agree with RJ's two comments above. i think that captures a lot. it's all relative.

i don't think i can offer any advice to help since i never, ever buy shoes or clothes anyway -- due to total lack of fashion sense and lack of people to go shopping with, not because i'm an in-debt student! being in debt does not keep me from buying alcohol or music.


wvurxgal March 27 2009, 01:44:05 UTC
Oh yeah, I remembered something else! If you're looking at stuff you want to buy but don't really need, go to the store and buy nothing. If you still want it the next day then you can consider getting it. Otherwise you didn't *really* want the item... kind of cuts out some of the impulse.


apogirlwonder April 5 2009, 03:01:07 UTC
I make very little money and most of it goes to bills, food, and books. I guess I buy books where you buy clothes, hehe! I never was very fashionable. I spend maybe $200 total a year on clothes, that includes shoes and undies. But I spent probably $400 or so on books last year if that makes you feel better! :) And I eat out too much, I'm not even TRYING to caluclate that one.

Netflix may be a good way to cut down if you like to go to the movies. It's like $10 a month and you can take your time watching the movies, unlike Blockbuster. And they have movies you can watch instantly on your comp. It's been great for me.


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