17. Favorite protagonist and why!
There are three I equally like, so poop, I'm going to go with the three of them and not choose.
* Marek Van Cartier (Was), who is absolutely awful and disgusting as a human being (if 'human' can still apply), but tons of fun to write. And who's still, technically, a protagonist and not an antagonist, although sometimes, you might really wonder, because he has quite the knack to throw the other protagonists into predicaments-he enjoys dousing fire with gasoline whenever Ring and Echoes are getting into an argument, and let's not even talk about what he's been on set on doing to Lyle. Nevertheless, he's also interesting for the questions his very existence raises-notably about the nature of his power (and how he had always wanted a power to use for creation, not for destruction!), and whether it was immortality that destroyed his sanity, or if it would have happened all the same in the end.
* Ewan Doyle (Was, too), who's probably going to end up in question n°19, too, but I don't care. Although he doesn't look so exceptional at first-just some funny geeky type who eats weird stuff and is in the story to gather information and nothing else-he's proved much more complex than I thought. The way he thinks is always so random, full of semi-jokes, movie quotes and other geek culture references, that he makes me smile whenever I write about him. He's also an overall very nice and humane guy (probably the only mage character, except Lou, that never considers Lyle as a thing, but as a real person), helpful, with his heart on his sleeve, and it's extremely refreshing to have such a protagonist to deal with, compared to the more calculating/manipulative types. Even though he's lived through pretty harsh moments in his life, both psychologically and physically, he's managed to keep on smiling, or at least to make the effort to go on trying, instead of wallowing in self-pity all the time. He's far from being as weak as he seems, and forces himself to go on no matter what.
* Aidan Clarick (ODP), because badass snarky airship captain who doesn't take shit from anyone, and doesn't hesitate to tear a second one to everyone getting in his way. At the same time, he's also very much in love with his wife, extremely loyal in friendshipand towards his family, and pretty much a Tragic Hero (with capital letters), which makes it all the better to throw both nice things and heavy bricks at him to see how he'll deflect them. His fate is not a pleasant one, yet he goes on fighting and hoping all the same, without complaining. As evidenced already, I am quite fond of such characters in general, and I like writing them even more. Catharsis all the way, baby.
1. Tell us about your favorite writing project/universe that you’ve worked with and why. 2. How many characters do you have? Do you prefer males or females? 3. How do you come up with names, for characters (and for places if you’re writing about fictional places)? 4. Tell us about one of your first stories/characters! 5. By age, who is your youngest character? Oldest? How about “youngest” and “oldest” in terms of when you created them? 6. Where are you most comfortable writing? At what time of day? Computer or good ol’ pen and paper? 7. Do you listen to music while you write? What kind? Are there any songs you like to relate/apply to your characters? 8. What’s your favorite genre to write? To read? 9. How do you get ideas for your characters? Describe the process of creating them. 10. What are some really weird situations your characters have been in? Every thing from serious canon scenes to meme questions counts! 11. Who is your favorite character to write? Least favorite? 12. In what story did you feel you did the best job of world building? Any side-notes on it you’d like to share? 13. What’s your favorite culture to write, fictional or not? 14. How do you map out locations, if needed? Do you have any to show us? 15. Mid way question! Tell us about a writer you admire, whether professional or not! 16. Do you write romantic relationships? How do you do with those, and how “far” are you willing to go in your writing? ;)18. Favorite antagonist and why!
19. Favorite minor that decided to shove him self into the spot light and why!
20. What are your favorite character interactions to write?
21. Do any of your characters have children? How well do you write them?
22. Tell us about one scene between your characters that you’ve never written or told any one about before! Serious or not.
23. How long does it usually take you to complete an entire story-from planning to writing to posting (if you post your work)?
24. How willing are you to kill your characters if the plot so demands it? What’s the most interesting way you’ve killed someone?
25. Do any of your characters have pets? Tell us about them.
26. Let’s talk art! Do you draw your characters? Do others draw them? Pick one of your OCs and post your favorite picture of him!
27. Along similar lines, do appearances play a big role in your stories? Tell us about them, or if not, how you go about designing your characters.
28. Have you ever written a character with physical or mental disabilities? Describe them, and if there’s nothing major to speak of, tell us a few smaller ones.
29. How often do you think about writing? Ever come across some thing IRL that reminds you of your story/characters?
30. Final question! Tag some one! And tell us what you like about that person as a writer and/or about one of his/her characters!