We have a bout March 9th! Let me know what days are options for you to come to a practice, and I'll e-mail the training coordinator.
4,000? That's terrific! Our venue capacity is 1,700 and we are on a constant search for a new one. It is hard in Chicago. It is great you guys have such a terrific set-up! Where do you skate?
Okay, I'm not sure when my bus arrives but I will mos def try to be there. We play at the fairgrouds in the Pavillion but are looking to the Pepsi Colleseum for the next bout. It really is a problem not having enough room, but a great problem none the less! I would lovelovelove to practice when I'm there. My personal email is jmwhitt81AThotmail.com
Comments 7
We brought in over 4000 people to out last bout this past weekend and had to shut the doors. SOLD OUT!
Good luck!
4,000? That's terrific! Our venue capacity is 1,700 and we are on a constant search for a new one. It is hard in Chicago. It is great you guys have such a terrific set-up! Where do you skate?
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