I am freaking out about passing my boards. I know I missed 6 questions so far. Out of 400, that's not bad, but they were gimmie questions. Questions I should have gotten without a problem. But I missed them. And I'm freaking out.
I don't want to fail. I can't handle the idea of failing.
When I ask someone, "New character? What's the concept?" the last thing I want to fucking hear is someone say, "An elf sorcerer with multiclass rogue."
That is the build, not the concept. The concept is who the person is, what they think, what they feel, what drives them. Their hook.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are Thou among women, And blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Holy Mary, Mother of God Pray for us sinners. Now, and at the hour of our death.
Just breathe a little bit. Relax. Don't let the stresses drive you crazy. Quit grinding your teeth. Lay back on the couch. And just breathe and let go.
I seriously need to just relax. I can't wait until boards are over.
They are horrifyingly cursed beings, tragically separated from life and living in hollow mockery in an attempt to understand life without the chance to die, which gives all things meaning.
Screw you, Sparkling Vampires who walk in the sun. Screw you.
So one of the old canker sores is now completely gone. Halle-fuckin-lieuha
I just need to keep this going. Dentist appointment is still set, but I think my semi-religious regimen of lidocaine, mouth wash and tooth brushing Q4 may be turning the tide. Now I just have to hope this gum inflamation stops soon.