I am such an idiot, my life is nothing but a joke! Everytime I do something, I look like a total fool, or I end up hurting people. I think I'm gunna go lay down for awhile, a small part of me hopes I never wake up.
I was looking at the ingredients in my fishes fish food today. Everything looked normal except Fish Oil! In my fishes food there is other fishes oils, how would you feel if your food and human oils and juices in it. Maybe it already does and we dont know it, maybe its SOILANT GREEN... IT'S MADE OF PEOPLE!
My Best Friend is sarearaOur 9 common interests are: anime, chobits, cowboy bebop, dragons, lord of the rings, manga, newtype, rpgs, x-menWho is your best friend? Created by macoto
Right now its 5:34 in the mornning and I feel like crap. I have a slight fever of like 102 or something, a pounding headacke, and I've been vomiting. ARGH!!! I cant fall back asleep, today just blows
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