Damn you Wraithwitch - Ketch is now completely addicted to The Magnificent Seven, the Wild West, Doc Holliday, biscuit and Jack Daniels, so this post is brought to you by Whisky, a room, a bed, more whisky Cockroach angst and Chris does it better
Was muchly amused today by a spelling error in The Torygraph. They were covering a story about a Chinese Construction worker who was buried alive, but survived through regulating his breathing through meditation. The part that made me giggle was
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Does anyone have a copy of said DW S3? I want to catch up before S4 starts, but I did not enjoy it enough to think it worth purchasing. Can I borrow it off anyone?
Last night, half an hour after getting to bed, I was woken by what sounded like my cat in distress, so I got up only to find that he had found a mouse. He then spent the rest of the night playing/toying/torturing said mouse
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Finally made it to a Thursday Night pubbage excursion Eghamwards after a very long time :) Lovely to see everyone - I am now well and truly hugged up :) :) Hope it won't be as long next time!!!
At long last I can post in a positive frame of mind :) :) :) I've been down with a bad case of the doldrums for weeks, but at long last, this week I seem to have dug myself out and am feeling pretty chirpy again - rah! The nights are drawing in, but already it seems that the party season is drawing in apace too ;) Have a fab weekend all *bounce**
My fear of spoilers outweighed my reason - I appear to have finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows *grin* This means that in under 2 and a half weeks I have read all 7, while working a full-time job, how? I'm not sure :)
Am alive. Erm... that is all. I have discovered Facebook and that leaves me sadly little time to post on LJ I am still on hotmail etc though, should peeps wish to contact me :)