SPN FIC: 11 Days

Mar 27, 2012 09:50

I wrote 7.17 reaction fic! Yes, I hate the ending that much. For now. I reserve the right to change my opinion on that matter if Show gives me a reason to in the future.

Anyway, thank yous are needed for 4422shiniemmram for their encouragement and general awesomeness. emmram has written her own coda which is absolutely delightful and which mine doesn't even compare to ( Read more... )

supernatural, sammich, fandom, fic, deen

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Comments 38

minviendha March 27 2012, 14:25:41 UTC
*rolls around in this fic and how it makes everything better for me*

*no really everything*

Thank you so muuuuuch. It is early and I am incoherent but this, I needed this.


kettle_o_fish March 28 2012, 00:33:14 UTC
XD *smishes* I'm glad it made things better for you!


tahirire March 27 2012, 15:26:49 UTC
Awww, I do like this resolution. <3 I am always up for soul bonding.

I do think that technically this is even more of a quick fix than they did in the show, though. (In this scenario, the solution is permanent until death, I don't think that will prove to be the case in canon.) /unpopular opinion timez


kettle_o_fish March 28 2012, 00:36:41 UTC
Hee....yeeeah, it kinda is. I adapted this from an old fic I started at the end of S6 and never finished and had plans for a 'verse where there are complications (some hilariously awkward) where Dean basically had no intention of telling Sam how he was fixed and Sam started to figure things out....buuut the fic didn't work out.

I agree though. It's a quick-fix. BUT I LIKE THIS ONE! ><

I don't think that will prove to be the case in canon.

Now that I've had time to get over it, I think I feel the same way about canon. I hope we're right!


tahirire March 28 2012, 00:38:23 UTC
*toasts to our considerably formidable psychic abilities*

Also : I want verse. You cannot taunt with verse and not give us verse. VERSE.


kettle_o_fish March 28 2012, 02:00:33 UTC
Also : I want verse. You cannot taunt with verse and not give us verse. VERSE.

Hee. Maaaaaybe. That awkward moment when your big bro is getting it on with the hot bartender and you just...kinda...*squirm* know? Also: The thing about gluing a broken vase back together is that its occasionally still kinda leaky.


emmram March 27 2012, 15:54:02 UTC
Oh, yay! ♥ So much awesome. :D Not only does this have a perfect Dean-voice, but a happy ending to boot. I love the idea that because Dean and Sam are soulmates, a piece of Dean's soul can literally be grafted onto Sam's--they're spiritually compatible! I am very, very fond of this idea.

♥ ♥


kettle_o_fish March 28 2012, 00:39:09 UTC
I've been playing with this idea since the end of season 6. It would actually be a great way to end the series, imo, because it gives them a "happy ending" without being unbelievable about it. Frankly, I'm worried that the real series finale is going to be all apple pie and I truly feel that we're come too far for that. BUT, there's no way the CW will end a show on a dark note. Or at least, I don't think there is. <3


quickreaver March 27 2012, 16:18:05 UTC
Go, YOU! *rah-rahs!*

On a 'brilliant writing' note (and don't lament this!), when my father was dying because his organs were shutting down (cancer), this is what it looked like. You hit it, spot on. Rang SO true.

Gorgeous what-shoulda-been. GORGEOUS.


kettle_o_fish March 28 2012, 00:50:04 UTC
*blushes forever* Now I have to buy new foundation. THANKS. ><

*hugs* I'm so sorry. My grandma passed away similarly last year. She didn't have cancer, but she had a stroke and fell into a coma. Then it was a week of sitting at the hospital watching everything slowly start to fail. :/


wishflthinkr March 27 2012, 16:21:00 UTC
I really like the idea of Dean's soul being the thing that helps Sam! Nice work!


kettle_o_fish March 28 2012, 00:41:51 UTC
Thanks! Me toooooo!


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