three-way tie on my current stamp // Item Theme

Feb 04, 2009 15:38

Provide three links to applications you have previously voted on:
1 2 3

Name: Kuri
Nickname(s): Kuroi, Inu
Age: 18
Zodiac Sign(s): Cancer & horse.

All Things About You
Describe your personality and how do you perceive yourself (minimum of one paragraph): (Copying from my love-theme a week or so ago….) Without sounding conceited, I think I can say that there’s a lot to it. I had a lot of past issues that really complicated my views of both life and myself, and I wasn’t able to repair a lot of those views until I started living with a real family at 18. For that reason, I have a hard-time expressing what my actual personality is. I think in a lot of ways I’m fairly delicate-a strong person who pulls through things, but sensitive about specific bits, even though I’ll never show it. Outwardly I come off as somewhat tsundere and sarcastic-- bitter cynicism definitely belies hopeless romanticism. I’m very cuddly, but I admit that I can be selfish and limit that to an “on-my-terms-only” basis. I make my decisions on the grounds of logic and what I expect in the long run will hurt others less, though I’m not against letting emotion have a say when it’s necessary. I’m quite shy but more outgoing once I get to know people, and along with that I can end up being a little bit spazzy in my playfulness and exceedingly dorky. I’m enigmatic to some extent, and an absolute animal-lover, a daydreamer, and nerd. If I could have only one wish for myself granted, I think I’d like to reach my goal of being a veterinarian and live life without ever hurting or burdening others.
List positive adjectives about you: Loyal, affectionate, witty, reasonably intelligent, trustworthy, dependable, observant, eager-to-help, conscientious.
List negative adjectives about you: Jealous, possessive, sarcastic, overly-introverted, procrastinating, self-conscious.
List things you like: Anime and manga, animals and nature, bubbles, eyepatches, food, foreign languages, literature, photography, swingsets, and volunteer work. Taking long walks and visiting natural settings with people I care about.
List things you dislike: Drama, cruelty, calculus, needles, oublic speaking, loud/rude/abusive/presumptuous/alcoholic/neglectful people, sex fiends, issues with my biological mum, being unable to protect the people that I care about.
What are some hobbies that you like to do when you have spare time?: Writing, hiking, anima and manga, photography, helping others, volunteer work, foreign language, psychology, spending time with loved ones, and music…
What are some of your guilty pleasures?:Right now my biggest obsession is Doctor Who… not that I’m guilty about that… I also tend to indulge in a ~lot~ of unhealthy food, but my metabolism is a bit frightening so I get away with it easily.

Are you shy or outgoing?: Shy around most, outgoing in my sense of humor and with people I know.
Are you idealistic or materialistic?: Idealistic.
Are you more of a homebody or an outdoorsy person? Why?: Outdoorsy. I like the feeling of being outside more… There’s more to see.
What is your favorite holiday? Why?: I really like Halloween for the atmosphere… it can be anywhere from whimsical to childish to dark and mysterious…
Describe your ideal perfect day: Hmm~ I always think that these are so hard because there are a lot of things that can make me happy… As of today? I think having a nice day with no classes or endless heap of calc homework to worry about would be fantastic. I’d love to be able to have some family and friends out here for a while (university is 2400 miles away from home, so I don’t get to visit much) and go up to a park or something… We could wander around and see some animals and pretty scenery and then all have dinner together… Dad’s cooking would be nice… And at the end of the day, I think I’d be happiest if we all played or watched something together~ ^-^Being able to curl up with a few stuffed animals and sleep knowing that I had a happy, completely stress-free day would be a nice finishing touch. (o-orz I’m so simple and homely…)

All Things About Things:
Do you collect something or have collected something? What did you collect?: Stuffed animals. I think that they’re incredibly cute and a good form of comfort, so they pretty much occupy my whole room. :’D
Do you have an item/object that is meaningful to you? What is it? Why?: I have a lot of them, really… a carved figurine given to me by Mum and Dad when I left for university, different little presents from my friends, a photo of a shelter cat that I was very attached to (he got adopted~) and some of my foster-kitten’s favorite toys… Mostly things that make me miss people, haha… ;_;
Are you a pack rat (a person who keeps a lot of things)? Why? If not, explain.: Absolutely. I attach sentimental value to almost EVERYTHING, so I have a hard time throwing things away. Even when it came to sorting through old toys of my toddler-brother’s, I was more upset than he was, going “But this one is from that time…!” or “Aww, but he’s had that since…! And it’s so cute!”

Are you more of a giver or a receiver? Why?: I prefer giving, though not as much in the material sense as in devoting myself to people?
What are your favorite kinds of gifts? Why?: I really like things that remind me of a specific event or time spent with someone… Stuffed animals and things like that win my heart instantly… and music boxes are pretty…
When you go out to buy things, what stores do you like to go to?: Hm… I don’t shop often. I like book stores and stores with weird items like decorative weapons and clothing and trinkets like that….
Surprise! A good friend has given you a gift that you have always wanted. What is it?: E-eh? I… I can’t really decide that… I’ve always wanted a dog…

Put an 'x' within the brackets to the adjectives that stand out to you or feel that you relate to. You can also explain why, but that is optional.

[x] Cute
[x] Happiness; well… cute and happy things are always nice, right? Sickening, forced, over-the-top cute isn’t fun, but cute things like animals are wonderful….
[x] Elegant; not that I am elegant, just that I admire it…
[] Colorful
[x] Freedom
[x] Darkness
[] Speedy
[x] Wishful
[x] Musical
[] Romantic
[] Unique
[x] Magical
[] Sparkly
[] Sadness
[x] Playful
[x] Naive
[] Wordly

All Things About KEY:
Which KEY novel/anime is your favorite? Why?: I can’t choose. I love them all for different reasons.
Who is your most favorite KEY character? Why?: Tomoya Okazaki? I relate to some of his family issues and admire his kindness and emotional rather than physical connection with Nagisa. I also really adore Misuzu and Nagisa for their general sweetness and Mai because she was a quiet but strong person, and I connected with her relation to Sayuri and desire to be a veterinarian…
What is your favorite pairing from any KEY novel/anime?: Tomoya/Nagisa. I think they have the most beautiful relationship in any anime that I’ve seen… Everything about them speaks of support and kindness and understanding…
What are some of your favorite scenes from any KEY novel/anime?: Also very difficult~! Honestly, the tragic scenes really had an impact on me because I have the most emotional attachment to them (Nagisa/Misuzu/Yumemi’s death scenes) and Tomoya’s confession to Nagisa was lovely… I also admit to crying through several of Akio’s latest speeches… Ah, and the scene in AIR when Yukito appears beside Misuzu’s bed in that golden haze was heartwarming and memorable…

Anything else?: Can't think of anything...

!needs votes

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