Furukawa Nagisa // Love-Match Theme Re-Stamp

Jan 25, 2009 22:49

Provide three links to applications you have previously voted on:

Step One: You
Name: Sandra
Nickname(s): Lhy
Age: 19
Zodiac sign(s): Pisces

Describe your personality (a minimum of one paragraph): I get along with everyone, as long as they respect boundaries, because I don't like when people take stuff or talk to you like they know you for ages and you barely speak at all. I'm usually calm, there are very few things that piss me off (lack of respect, lack of pontuality ). I usually manage crisis well, I don't panic. I consider myself a dreamer but as I say, I keep one foot on the clouds and one on the ground, because I'm pretty darn realistic aswell. Family and friends are my life, and I think that's what matters the most, so I usually don't freak out about school or anything (of course I worry about it nevertheless). My greatest fear is being alone/left behind. The only certain thing about my future is that I want to be a mother, no matter what. I'm a little independent, in a way I can do things by myself, but I'm also extraordinarily dependent on my friends and, specially, my family. I have tendency for disasters, as in, I trip veeery often, I burn my fingers, slam my fingers often, etc. I can be rather cold/harsh if people are extremly annoying to me. I'm not usually cold/harsh unless I have a reason. I am bossy and stubborn and overly cautious (due my "accidents", I say I need to be more). Overall I'm pretty creative, friendly, helpful and sarcastic. And quite shy. I only speak when spoken to (to strangers, that is). I'm rather reserved aswell. It's really rare for me to talk about my real feelings and if something is up or not. I'm also very sensitive/emotional. I cry alot watching movies/tv shows and even listening to certain songs! And I hate disappointing someone, specially my parents. I think I might be talking alot right about now... sorry!
Loves: I like drawing, reading and watching movies/tv shows mostly so I'm pretty interested on cinema. I love taking walks at the beach when it's winter. Taking walks altogether. I love love rain! Tea and fruits.. wah so many things! I am a manga-addict, more than anime and I love collecting anime/game figurines/action figures. Which also means I love playing videogames such as Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. I adore creating original characters and drawing their clothes and everything, basically make them almost a real person.
Hates: Cheese! Summer and spring, I have alot of allergies then. I don't like when people are late, I don't like when people are disrespectful, not just to me but to others aswell. Rudeness and people being ignorant just for the sake of it. I don't like when people cancel plans, and I hate it when they do it a few minutes before you're supposed to meet.
Talents: Drawing, mostly. I also write, sometimes, but it's nothing extraordinary. I used to be able to play piano, but it's been quite awhile so..
What is something you feel passionate about?: Is it weird if I say my family..? I was sitting here thinking about this question. Thinking "what do I feel passionate about...? What moves me?" and the answer was "my family", so..
List some things that annoy you: People being late, mostly. But also, lack of respect or people that don't know boundaries at all. I really don't like people chewing with their mouths open either..

Step Two: Them

What type of person do you usually go for?: I don't really have a type, if you know what I mean. I like people I can get along with, mostly someone that was my friend first.
What are the ideal traits that you look for in a potential partner( or your significant
other if you already have one)?: As I said, someone who is my friend first. Someone I trust and can rely on. I love someone with his own opinions, with a mind of his own and that I can have any kind of conversations with: silly, serious, random, etc. Some humour would be required, but without being a completle clown.. smart-humour, I suppose.
What are some of your turn offs?: Someone who spend too much time partying. Someone clingy. Someone too serious, who couldn't laugh even if his mother's life depended on it... Oh, specially someone that when you're trying to have a serious conversation with, they just joke around.
Describe your dream guy/girl's physical appearance: I don't really have a dream!appearance at all. I mean, I like blue eyes and large hands but..

Would you like for him to be... (please give an explanation)

Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic-realistic. I mean, I wouldn't mind if he was a complete optimistic or pessimistic but optimistic-realistic is my choice. Someone who can see things as they are and doesn't mope around when a little trouble comes along.
Outgoing or shy?: At least a bit more outgoing than myself. I'm way too shy.
Independent or Dependent?: Independent. Not to the point he doesn't really care for anyone but himself, but just enough independent that he can lead his life normally and the way he wants it.
Flirty or Timid?: Mid-term? I wouldn't mind if he flirted with me once in awhile but not all the time. And not with everyone else..
Nice or Naughty?: Not too nice but too naughty isn't the best thing either. Mid-term again.
Cautious or Adventurous?: Adventurous but not carelessly so. As I said before, I'm way too cautious and shy.
Sophisticated or Loose?: Mixture again?
Cold or Emotional?: I don't see myself falling for someone stone-cold but for someone over emotional there's me. So, again, in between?
Dominant or Submissive?: Dominant. I just.. despite by stubborness and so, can't see myself and the dominant one.

Step Three: Together

Describe you ideal first date: Something spontaneous. Like he'd call me or show up at my door and just say "let's go somewhere". It wouldn't be much of a big deal. No candlelight dinner, no super romantic setting. We'd just go have lunch somewhere and spend some time together, walking anywhere really. Maybe stop by the beach for awhile, if it's winter, or a park, any other season. We'd eventually just return home and end up watching a movie under a blanket all warm and fuzzy~
Do you believe in kissing on the first date?: Depends on the situation. I actually did it once, but he was my best friend for a long time and..
Ta-da! Your significant other decides to give you a suprise gift. You open the box and what do you find inside?: Something simple that he knew I loved and wanted but never asked. Or even if I had given up on it C: Like it could be anything from a keychain I thought it was cute, or a sweater I liked or anything, really.
You are a princess/prince within a magical fairytale. How do you meet your one true love?: I sneaked out of the castle with some "casual" clothes and I'd meet him somewhere in town and he'd start talking with me for some reason. Most likely, I had dropped something and he just called to my attention, and then I started to make conversation.

Step Four: Other ♥

Which KEY character do you relate to the most? (This does not mean your favorite :P): Well, you know, Nagisa.
Although the theme's stamp options are co-ed. But if you had the choice: boy, girl, or both?: Boy please
Anything else?: I was matched with Yuuichi before. If you still see him, go ahead C:

love- ryuuya, !theme lovematch

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