Stamped as: Makoto Sawatari || Lovematch Theme Re-Application

Jan 19, 2009 11:47

Provide three links to applications you have previously voted on:
x x x

Step One: You
Name: Kuri
Nickname(s): Kuroi, Inu, Sam
Age: 18
Zodiac sign(s): Horse, Cancer
Describe your personality (a minimum of one paragraph):
Without sounding conceited, I think I can say that there’s a lot to it. I had a lot of past issues really complicated my views of both life and myself, and I wasn’t able to repair a lot of those views until I started living with a real family at 18. For that reason, I have a hard-time expressing what my actual personality is. I think in a lot of ways I’m fairly delicate-a strong person who pulls through things, but sensitive about specific bits, even though I’ll never show it. Outwardly I come off as somewhat tsundere and sarcastic, bitter cynicism definitely belies hopeless romanticism. I make my decisions on the grounds of logic and what I expect in the long run will hurt others less, though I’m not against letting emotion have a say when it’s necessary. I’m quite shy, and though I’ve never been in a relationship before I know that I’d be the type who would probably blush herself silly at the notion of even holding hands. I’m enigmatic to some extent, and an absolute animal-lover, a daydreamer, and nerd. If I could have only one wish for myself granted, I think I’d like to reach my goal of being a veterinarian and live life without ever hurting or burdening others.
Anime and manga, animals and nature, bubbles, eyepatches, food, foreign languages, inside jokes, literature, photography, swingsets, and volunteer work. As far as people go, honestly, loyalty, and a gentle, spiritual personality are all things that have a lot of appeal to me.
Hates: Abortion, abuse, cruelty to animals or people, calculus, gossip, lies, maple syrup, seafood, crowds, and needles. In the people department, I don’t do well with those who are rude, abusive, presumptuous, or completely consumed by sexual or material desire.
I’m a confidante for many people that I know, so I guess that means that I’m trustworthy. I’m also loyal (sometimes to a fault), have some skill with writing and foreign languages, and think that with the help of others I’ve been able to become fairly strong in difficult situations. I can be overwhelmed at times, but overall I’m grateful that I have a chance at living. A few friends that caught me off guard and heard me singing say that I have a nice voice, but I don’t believe them. ^^;
What is something you feel passionate about?:
My dreams/improving myself, ending animal cruelty, and helping others as much as I can.
List some things that annoy you:
Failing, unintentionally causing someone pain or being unable to help if someone I care about is hurting, and things and people listed under my “hates”.
Step Two: Them
What type of person do you usually go for?:
I’ve yet to “go for” anyone, but… someone who’s loyal, helpful, honest, compassionate… all of those basic things need to be there. I’d also… I’d also really like someone with a really fun sense of humor, who could lend others strength as well as borrowing strength from them when he needed to. Someone who I could relate to and truly feel loved and needed by.
What are the ideal traits that you look for in a potential partner (or your significant other if you already have one)?:
Pretty much what I listed for the last question? A caring person who’s not quite a full adult yet, but has the maturity to know what’s right and knows what he cares for in life. Someone who can both give and receive protection. Someone who, like me, is by no means perfect, but that I could become strong with. I think that that sort of trade-off and equality is important in love. An emotional/spiritual connection is much more important than a physical one.
What are some of your turn offs?: Any drug use or uncontrolled violence towards others, anything more than a “playful” arrogance, doormats, sex fiends.
Describe your dream guy/girl's physical appearance:
Personality is more important. The only thing that really matters physically is a concern for hygiene, although I admit that I have a weakness for soft-eyed smiles.
Would you like for him to be... (please give an explanation)
Optimistic or Pessimistic?:
Realistic? I think it would provide balance, because I tend to shift a lot.
Outgoing or shy?:
Shy in some ways, but outgoing in his sense of humor and when taking care of others. Playful and fun but not overbearing.
Independent or Dependent?:
Both, as long as we can respect each other’s needs in that area.
Flirty or Timid?:
Not mouse-like, but certainly not too flirty. I’d get jealous and depressed…
Nice or Naughty?:
Nice with the ability to affectionately tease and play jokes. (Sort of ridiculous, silly jokes over snarky ones, though.)
Cautious or Adventurous?:
That depends on what situation we’re in.
Sophisticated or Loose?:
Both? Laid-back but NOT crude, and with a good head on his shoulders.
Cold or Emotional?:
In-between. Cold would make me feel lonely and unloved, but people who are too outwardly emotional overwhelm me.
Dominant or Submissive?: Neither.
Step Three: Together
Describe you ideal first date: I'd be embarrassed enough about being asked out, so something relaxed where we aren't forced to be close or spend a ton of money would be best. Just talking a walk around town and maybe holding hands? Ah, and it would be nice to eat outside and then take a walk and look at the stars, I think...
Do you believe in kissing on the first date?:
No, I’m too shy for that.
Ta-da! Your significant other decides to give you a suprise gift. You open the box and what do you find inside?:
Something that reminds me of our time spend together. Plush animals are my favorite, and homemade things are nice, too.
You are a princess/prince within a magical fairytale. How do you meet your one true love?:
Whatever comes naturally. A friendship that buds into a romance over some time would be really nice…
Step Four: Other ♥
Which KEY character do you relate to the most? (This does not mean your favorite :P):
Tomoya and Mai.
Although the theme's stamp options are co-ed. But if you had the choice: boy, girl, or both?: Male.
Anything else?:
I’m excited about bringing this community back… It felt much more tightly-knit and friendly than others. Oh, and I got Nayuki last time I did this. So, as happy as I was with that result because I do adore Nayuki, I think this one would be more fun if I got something different.

love- yuuichi aizawa, !theme lovematch

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