Stamped: Kotomi Ichinose and Haruko Kamio//Love Match Theme: re-application

Jan 17, 2009 20:56

Provide three links to applications you have previously voted on:
Will provide links when new applications are up =)

Step One: You
Name: Diana
Nickname(s): Yunie, Saki-chan, okaa san
Age: 20
Zodiac sign(s): Sagitarius

Describe your personality (a minimum of one paragraph): I'm a person of many insecurities in all levels, i'm a loving person that is usually ready to help others and always ready for a laugh but on the other hand i'm quite lonely and at times agressive, i'm overprotective and at times a bitsie cold but people usually describe me as a one of a kind
Loves:Anime, Manga, Books, Gardening, art, beaches, gardens, stargazing, planetariums, oceanaries, collecting figurines from animes and games, tv-series, video-games, mythology, ancient history, little children, english classes, french, graphics, Drawing, reading, writting (....) etc.
Hates:Horror Movies, Exagerated people, Balloons, Allergies, Violence, Ignorance, Diseases, Crappy Weather, Studying, Spicy Food, being ignored or bossed around, maths, obsessive people, strong noises, argues, fangirls/boys, yaoi on an unhealthy dosage, abusive kinds of people, etc
Talents: Perhaps drawing or imagining *laughs* i'm good at both
What is something you feel passionate about?: Something i feel passionated....Oh gosh i feel passionated for helping, it's like fuel to me
List some things that annoy you: People that reply "dryly" to others, high pinched voices, people that overly materialistic and only think of stuff to buy and don't think of anything else...Hmm people ignoring others i guess, for some reason kind of makes me twitchy, thieves....Well yeah, oh and people burping all the time urgh that's just annoying

Step Two: Them

What type of person do you usually go for?: I take a peek on myself and i always notice that i always go for someone that didn't had such an easy past like that, i go for those that show to be laid back but if we take a peek they're not THAT laid back, hm let's see, usually is the guy with sarcastic replies but sweet..meh it's hard to say xD
What are the ideal traits that you look for in a potential partner( or your significant
other if you already have one)?: The traits i look for...Oh let's see, someone that knows how to speak, that can captivate me with his conversation, that makes me feel comfortable to talk of serious matters...Someone that won't start picking up things from my past and talk about them in a stupid matter i guess, a guy that's kind with children, maybe a little shy as well and a guy that stands up for what he believes and defends me
What are some of your turn offs?: Party-boys, they are simply the worst *rooleyes* guys that drink like sponges, i hate people that drink alchohol like they were drinking water...Guys that smell, like sweaty, i have a sensitive nose so it is kind of hard..errr clowns definitly, at a certain point it becomes impossible to have a serious relation ºAº;
Describe your dream guy/girl's physical appearance: Etooo...I personally like boys that have a slightly longish hair (not like pocahontas but at least shoulder height or something shorter but still..) Dark hair and maybe blue or green eyes, they are so pretty ^^ er clothes....I usually run for guys with Supernatural (The show, not freakshow clothes XD) kind of clothes because it gives them THAT look...

Would you like for him to be... (please give an explanation)

Optimistic or Pessimistic?: I'd like him to be realistic and a bit optimistic, i am quite pessimistic so if i have someone supporting me without running out of the reality i'll be balanced
Outgoing or shy?: Like i stated i'd prefer him to be somewhat shy but still outgoing to a certain point, i find guys that are shy extremly cute
Independent or Dependent?: Independent, i am that kind of girl that is dependent but i do not like seeing that in boys for some reason
Flirty or Timid?: Oh flirty with me ok, but timid all the way
Nice or Naughty?: *blushes* er nice guy..
Cautious or Adventurous?: Probably adventurous with a cautious nature, i am quite impulsive and a bit loopsy when it comes to risk so i think that a guy with an adventurous nature but still with his screws on the place
Sophisticated or Loose?: Both, no need to be a slacker but no need to be too sophisticated
Cold or Emotional?: Not too emotional but also not cold....Somewhere in the healthy in between...Mostly because i am emotional but if a guy is way too emotional i might end up depressed
Dominant or Submissive?: Well............both

Step Three: Together

Describe you ideal first date: I'll try to be long here....
He'd call me and ask me if i could come out for a bit, he'd greet me with a flower and he'd ask me if it was ok to go out for a while. He'd take me to a small restaurant where we'd have lunch and we'd talk naturally until we went out of it, then perhaps he'd take me for a walk near the beach if it wasn't too cold, or he'd take me to a garden to take a walk in the nature...Followed by a cozy dinner at his or my place and then we'd just sit on a bench we have on our balcony and stargaze
Do you believe in kissing on the first date?: Well depends, i have to feel comfortable near the guy and trusting that he wouldn't take a step that would scare me
Ta-da! Your significant other decides to give you a suprise gift. You open the box and what do you find inside?: Hmmm....Ideally i'd open it and it'd have a necklace shaped in either a snowflake or a heart
You are a princess/prince within a magical fairytale. How do you meet your one true love?: By going on an adventure, i'd probably stumble against him *laughs*

Step Four: Other ♥

Which KEY character do you relate to the most? (This does not mean your favorite :P): Hm...It's hard...In the whole Key fandom i can identify myself with some....Maybe Kotomi, Tomoyo and Misuzu.... MAYBE. Kotomi for a reason, she's really a lonely girl that all of a sudden she sees herself surrounded with friends and somehow i can relate to that, having people supporting me like that at times, Tomoyo, she shows a bit her cold shoulder but she's emotional, she had a tough time and at some point well i did Misuzu, first of all, the dificulty i have in making friends, maybe the fact that i'm a dork and the relationship that she has with Haruko....It ressembles me of my relationship with my mother
Although the theme's stamp options are co-ed. But if you had the choice: boy, girl, or both?: Boy definitly
Anything else?: Not really, i was matched with Yuuichi but if you guys still see him then knock yourselves out, it's ok ^^

!theme lovematch, love- akio furukawa

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