Stamped as Tomoyo Sakagami // Item Theme

Feb 05, 2009 21:13

Provide three links to applications you have previously voted on:

Name: Jennifer
Nickname(s): Jen, Alfons, Sizzy, etc
Age: 22
Zodiac Sign(s): Libra

All Things About You
Describe your personality and how do you perceive yourself (minimum of one paragraph):

I'm...a strange person, really. On one hand, I'm loud, obnoxious, and rather cheerful and wide open about how I think and how I am. I am someone who, when I get to talking, doesn't hide anything and leaves things quite wide open for people (within reason, of course. Everyone has their things that are too personal or shouldn't be said). But on the other hand, I'm quiet and sensitive, and get enthralled by the tiniest things...looking at birds, staring out at nature, reading books, listening to music...that sort of thing. I sometimes come off as callous, even uncaring or elitist, but at the same time I act so justice-crazed that I get up in arms about any injustice I find. I also have a need to care for others, and a love for the security of the home. But at the same time, I love freedom, embrace it, and yearn for the feeling of the open road. Home is where I put my hat, but I love wherever it is I stay. I have a sharp tongue, but I also care deeply about people, and try to comfort them as much as I can, even if I don't know them. I also have a pride complex, and a need to excel in everything I try, and it causes me to work too hard, almost collapsing...but at the same time, I'm horribly lazy at times, even going so far as to want to just curl up and sleep all day. My boyfriend calls me a walking contradiction, and I do think he's right.

List positive adjectives about you: Cheerful, fun-loving, spontaneous, ambitious, creative, empathic, maternal.
List negative adjectives about you: Loud, obnoxious, opinionated, sometimes snooty, moody, a crybaby, extremely low self-esteem, irritable at times.
List things you like: Soft music, The outdoors, open roads, riding on trains and buses, detective novels, ghost stories, winter, romance, video games, the internet, home cooking, spicy foods, sweet things.
List things you dislike: Lack of creative expression, loneliness, War, pain, arrogance, cruelty, bigotry, lack of freedom.
What are some hobbies that you like to do when you have spare time?: Reading, writing, video games, singing, listening to music, foreign language, cooking.
What are some of your guilty pleasures?: Thinking up strange crossover fanfics/stories, eating loads of chocolate, window shopping.

Are you shy or outgoing?: It depends on the situation...If I first meet someone, I'm really shy. If I know you, I'm outgoing.
Are you idealistic or materialistic?: Idealistic. Very, very, very idealistic.
Are you more of a homebody or an outdoorsy person? Why?: I'm a little bit of both. I enjoy the freedom of the open road, and if I could, would just love to wander around and explore anything I could, but at the same time, I need to have some sort of person I can come home to. If not a person, then a pet or something. I also like cooking and I really want to take care of my significant other when I get married. I dunno how to really describe it...
What is your favorite holiday? Why?: I love Christmas, because it's the one time a year where people at least try to be kind to each other. It's a time of love and giving, and with the atmosphere, the lights, and the cold weather...though it's hard to determine between that and New Years, which I consider the most romantic day of the year.
Describe your ideal perfect day: I'd wake up early in the morning, at the break of dawn, and step outside, feeling the air on my face. I'd take my laptop and take the bus to my favorite coffee shop and sit and write for hours, creating something beautiful. The sun, the warmth of my favorite coffee, and the feeling of freedom that I have away from home, and the feeling of creation...I'd stay there and revel in this, going home at the brink of twilight, sitting and watching the sunset, and then after heading home, lying down on the grass and watching the stars until late in the night, before I'd go inside and fall asleep.

All Things About Things:
Do you collect something or have collected something? What did you collect?: I've collected a lot of things...stuffed animals, video games, books...but for me, the most 'important' thing I collect is my Japanese video games.
Do you have an item/object that is meaningful to you? What is it? Why?: I have a lot of them...I have a stuffed ram, Rammy, that I've had since I was a really little girl, and a baby doll (sorta like those old Betsy Wetsys) that I've owned since...since I was really really little. It's really important to me, and it's a constant reminder of when I was a little girl, though I don't remember much of that time.
Are you a pack rat (a person who keeps a lot of things)? Why? If not, explain.: Yes, I am. I don't know why...I just never...have the heart to throw anything away, unless I have to. I put stuff away, but I never outwardly get rid of it.

Are you more of a giver or a receiver? Why?: I'm definitely a giver. I like receiving things, but sentimental things...and I love giving people things if I can, because I always feel that it's important to give back to other people. That, and I genuinely love seeing the looks on their faces when they find it's something they really like.
What are your favorite kinds of gifts? Why?: I like sentimental gifts-things that convey a meaning behind it. Music CDs and DVDs are okay, but I prefer longstanding things, like journals or poetry books or picture frames. Something simple, but it conveys the emotion that it's meant to convey. I've received expensive stuff before, and I'm grateful, but it's always embarrassing...
When you go out to buy things, what stores do you like to go to?: Book stores, video game stores, or vintage video/game shops. I also like to go to clothes stores on occasion, but I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that.
Surprise! A good friend has given you a gift that you have always wanted. What is it?: The Clock Tower 2 Japanese choose-your-adventure novels that I've been dying for *____*

Put an 'x' within the brackets to the adjectives that stand out to you or feel that you relate to. You can also explain why, but that is optional.

[x] Cute
[x] Happiness
[x] Elegant
[x] Colorful
[x] Freedom
[x] Darkness
[] Speedy
[x] Wishful
[] Musical
[x] Romantic
[x] Unique
[x] Magical
[x] Sparkly
[] Sadness
[] Playful
[x] Naive
[] Wordly

All Things About KEY:
Which KEY novel/anime is your favorite? Why?: It's a tough choice between Air and Clannad for me. Air had such a beautiful, heartbreaking story (especially Misuzu's storyline), but I loved the characters from Clannad so much. It''s really hard to say. Really, really hard to say.
Who is your most favorite KEY character? Why?: I love Misuzu Kamio. She's such a sweet, melancholy, but still strong character, and her eccentricities are absolutely adorable. Even when she's lonely, and even though things aren't doing well for her, she tries hard to smile and bear it all. I wish I had that kind of strength...
What is your favorite pairing from any KEY novel/anime?: Um...I love Tomoya x Nagisa, from Clannad. The two build each other up, and complement each other. While Tomoya makes Nagisa strong, she makes him smile, and brings some happiness into his life. The two of them have a very pure, very tender vibe to them, and it's wonderful to see that in any couple. Though I love many pairings in the KEY universes, this is very much my favorite.
What are some of your favorite scenes from any KEY novel/anime?: Let's see...

1. The end of Fuko's story in Clannad, at her sister's wedding. (Will not divulge details for fear of giving out spoilers :<)
2. The end of Kotomi's story in Clannad; that made me cry so hard it was almost unreal. It was sad, happy, touching, and beautiful.
3. The ending of Minagi's story, in Air.
4. Just about any scene with Tomoya and Sunohara interaction in Clannad.

!needs votes

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