-Write Article -PSAT practice test!!!! -Wax eyebrows -Load iPod software -Recipe -Gift -Talk to PS -Touch up toenails.
Oops, dad came in and i minimized the window...now he thinks i'm hiding things, which I was. But not because I'm doing anything bad! I just dont think he'd appreciate the whole LJ thing. and how its not evil
That was actually wicked fun! This is kinda addicting. I really should stop saying wicked. I have an above-average vocabulary (99th percentile on the Iowa tests, thank you very much) so I should be able to come up with synonyms
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...I finally broke down and got an lj. I don't want to use it to post my daily activities and whine when my friends are being bitchy...because that's really not anyone else's business. So there. I'm still not getting a MySpace.