Title: Buying It Characters: House, Wilson Genre: General/friendship Rating: G Word Count: 570 TimeLine: Sometime prior to the Season Four finale Part Two of Selling It
Oh, this was *so* good. Liked it *at least* as much as the first part. :) I think it complemented the first part perfectly, and only both chapters together show the whole picture of what is House and Wilson...
Thank you so much again! - This was just so good to read, after all the torture we're being put through right now by the *official* writers... ;) *hugs*
Oh, great pieces, as always! I'm glad Wilson figured things out, which probably wasn't easy with House leaving only vague hints (well I can totally relate to that, it's not like Wilson's always perfectly willing to take his pain seriously, for whatever reason that may be [probably not even always unwillingness but sheer despair, maybe, that it's getting worse & worse], and it's never fun to talk about one's pain). And I'm glad he (W.) did something constructive with it. And that they 'glared apologies' (wonderful image). Apart from that: great you're writing again, I missed your amazing talent! *hugs*
Um...good grief, if I keep reading your stuff, my love of Wilson will be fully restored. Do I even want that? *grapples* Whatever, I'm just glad you're back. So glad, I'm too excited to type properly between instances of finding myself flapping my hands with barely restrained glee.
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Thank you so much again! - This was just so good to read, after all the torture we're being put through right now by the *official* writers... ;) *hugs*
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