Title: Buying It Characters: House, Wilson Genre: General/friendship Rating: G Word Count: 570 TimeLine: Sometime prior to the Season Four finale Part Two of Selling It
It's good to see you and you come bearing gifts for us. I can't begin to thank you for sharing your writing, you know I love to read it.
So few words with such a powerful impact.
I don't even know how many times I've read these two pieces since I found them in the middle of last night, they're that moving that I just want to re-read them again and again.
Selling It was heart breaking and Buying It was emotionally easier but still a strong follow up. In the midst of the angst on the show it's a comfort to come here and know H/W can still get through things with a few “glares.”
(Sorry, I didn't split this in two - one for each part - but I suck at reviews.)
it makes me feel good to know that my writing could have such an impact, and you've no idea how very much i appreciate your taking the time to let me know. thank you.
Kidsnurse, I'm so glad I followed Mare's rec and read the first part. I ended up "watching" that thread so I'd be e-mail alerted to anything new! Going for the third part shortly. The way I tell if a story is good is if I can "see" them interacting in my mind's eye while I'm reading. This is sooo H/W how can I pick a favorite line?
This part totally amused me: *"So it took me a while to figure it out. You could sell mink coats at a PETA rally," Wilson says defensively. "And you'd be first in line to buy one," House retorts as they stare coldly at one another.* And of course like everyone else, I liked the glared apologies.
Though, I had to wonder if House purposely left that piece of paper, with the numbers on it, where Wilson might find it?
Very, very, kool fic woman. Thanks for sharing it with us.
this is the way i most enjoy writing these two--imperfect but trying, appearing oblivious but caring. you know--the way they used to be on the show. :(
I'm hoping that's how they'll be now that they're back together - after all, they've both acknowledged their attachment to each other and Wilson's admitted that he and House belong together.
i hope so--i hope it so much that i had to write Deciphering It, the third part of this two-parter, because... well, because that's the way they should be, always.
Comments 30
So few words with such a powerful impact.
I don't even know how many times I've read these two pieces since I found them in the middle of last night, they're that moving that I just want to re-read them again and again.
Selling It was heart breaking and Buying It was emotionally easier but still a strong follow up. In the midst of the angst on the show it's a comfort to come here and know H/W can still get through things with a few “glares.”
(Sorry, I didn't split this in two - one for each part - but I suck at reviews.)
The line about House being able to sell mink coats at a PETA rally is priceless (and probably true).
I always enjoy your stories. Now I sit and wait for the writers of the show to get these two back in sync...
Kidsnurse, I'm so glad I followed Mare's rec and read the first part. I ended up "watching" that thread so I'd be e-mail alerted to anything new! Going for the third part shortly. The way I tell if a story is good is if I can "see" them interacting in my mind's eye while I'm reading. This is sooo H/W how can I pick a favorite line?
This part totally amused me:
*"So it took me a while to figure it out. You could sell mink coats at a PETA rally," Wilson says defensively.
"And you'd be first in line to buy one," House retorts as they stare coldly at one another.* And of course like everyone else, I liked the glared apologies.
Though, I had to wonder if House purposely left that piece of paper, with the numbers on it, where Wilson might find it?
Very, very, kool fic woman. Thanks for sharing it with us.
no--not consciously, anyway.
and you're welcome.
I love the way that they understand each other so well.
*crosses fingers*
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