Feb 13, 2005 18:51
sooooooooooooo....... is this pointless for me to have? i think so
if people want to know whats going on ask, although all i would say is
life sucks
get fucked up and stay fucked up
and thats about it.
Jan 16, 2005 19:58
life sucks, things always go bad before they go up, but for me it just keeps going down
Jan 13, 2005 16:47
Hey whats going on, i don't normal talk in these, so y start? if people want to know whats going on in ur life ask them
Jan 05, 2005 22:07
just chilled today, i have a feeling this isn't going to be intresting although, naw ill tell u bout that later
Jan 04, 2005 21:45
haha im a loser i know, but u know what its all good
Jan 02, 2005 20:09
I made this for a reason but i have completly forgot it, oh well