i now live in allston. yes! i'm cool! i feel like a new man. time to change shit around. this may be the end. or maybe not, but i am bored. no more being bored. time to start. i'm feeling like everything should be new starting now.
"Last spring the network sent disposable cameras to all the college marketers and instructed them to take a list of 48 pictures: Take a picture of your freezer, your closet, the inside of your car's trunk, stuff like that
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an electrified scorpion with a needle in its spine and its legs being pulled off and it's trying to kill you so bad.
4 movies in 2 days= The Butterfly Effect: ok. i guess True Romance: pretty tootin' good Bad Santa: awesome Return To Oz: instant classic of my childhood even though i just saw it friday
the digger did look like a dinosaur. you should've seen the one with the jackhammer, i wanted them to fight.
i move to allston soon. does anyone know of any job openings, so i can pay my rent and not get evicted? also, who else lives in allston? let's be friends. i love you.