Jul 06, 2003 02:08
hey everybody!
Haven't posted in a while, been really busy with school. I don't know if i'll have much time for all of this internet stuff, but i'll try.
I think i'm going to join a bunch of those naked communities.
>_< :hides:
Jun 18, 2003 15:14
You know what? Screw the customer that decides that just because you see the video behind the counter and not on the shelf means that we can just rent it out. it doesn't work that way! ARGGGGGGH!
Jun 07, 2003 05:05
well, it's about time for me to take a break from my job of sleeping all day, and go watch some tv. Maybe on my lunch break i'll play on the internet.
Word to yo momma.
Jun 03, 2003 08:43
Well, not much has been going down in this shiz-nit. I need to find something else to do in this damn town, rather than just sitting around, parting all the time. Bleh. I think i need to change my hair........ several times. I can add a bunch of pictures once i decide on a color and hairstyle. As for now, i leave you only with the vagueness of the
Jun 01, 2003 22:50