zutara friending memeღ

May 14, 2008 14:21

because I needed to kill time and decided that I had entirely too little Zutara fans on my f-list I present the:

Zutara friending memeღ

A fan of Zutara? Searching for fellow zutarians to discuss it with? Then you've entered the right meme.

Mechanics are simple:
❶ Simply copy/paste the code provided below.
❷ Fill up the form for other zutarians to see.
❸ Reply to their comment (or vice versa) if you're interested in friending them!
❹ Now go forth and multiply make friends!
What made you ship zutara:
Favorite Side Pairing/s:
Favorite zutara moment/scene:
Favorite zutara art, fic/s, manip:
What you love most about this pairing:
Other Fandoms:
Other Interests:
Anything else you'd like to add:
❺ Pimp it on your journal!
http://kimiren.livejournal.com/21017.html">Zutara friending meme

atla, zutara, meme time!, friending meme