Title: Tadhana (F.A.T.E.) Genre: Romance, Fluff Pairing: Yunjae<3 Summary: Yunho thinks it’s high time they accept their fate because who else was he going to end up with, if not Jaejoong?
Hi bb:) I'm not yet sure if this going to be a chaptered fic, but as of the moment, it's not.
I'm gonna look into it though, and maybe when i find time, i might write a chaptered one. You can just treat that note as somewhat a hint that Yunjae ends up together happily and with a son too :D
Thanks so much for reading and leaving a comment :))
Jae's sooo clumsy, but adorable :P yunho's proposal is soooo sweet and romantic. Yunjae are really fated to be together. I will be looking forward to the appearance of changmin as yunjae baby~ (if you are going to write a sequel. Hehe) Thank you for sharing! ^__^
XD Jaejoong wouldn't be himself if he wasn't clumsy :D and you're right,bb. Yunjae are really fated to be together :). I'll think about the sequel but i cant promise anything. Thank you for reading ^^
Yunho is really such a romantic at heart <3 They're both fated to be with each other. :)) thanks,bb. I hope my muse doesnt decide to go away again >.< Thanks so much for reading ^^ Happy New Year :)
Comments 27
Sooo. minnie gonna be Yunjae's son!!?? XD
And this is shweeet! Aweeee that is a vr sweet proposal! ^_^
I'm gonna look into it though, and maybe when i find time, i might write a chaptered one. You can just treat that note as somewhat a hint that Yunjae ends up together happily and with a son too :D
Thanks so much for reading and leaving a comment :))
Thank you for sharing! ^__^
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