Title: Dutch
kimonkey7 Rating: PG-13 - for language
Pairing: none (gen) Dean, Sam
Disclaimer: Not mine. Damn it.
SPOILERS/Timeline: takes place S1, between eps 1&2
Summary: They stayed in Palo Alto for a week after the fire, looking for answers.
A/N: About a million years ago, it seems, I wrote this story for the Brotherhood zine. I'd
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Comments 29
And this “She loved me! Who loves you, huh?”... Ouch, Sam!! I mean, I know he's lashing out blindly but it's still so true. This is what Dean craves and needs to verify his existence and yet he so rarely finds it. Or at least believes it wholeheartedly. Especially at this stage in their lives.
Gorgeously descriptive as well, though I agree with Carol - Dean's eating habits leave much to be desired! Lol.
But oddly enough, reading this now, almost eight years in - it still seems relevant.
“You…you move forward, Sam. You move forward because there’s no going back. She’s gone, and I wish I could make that different for you, but I can’t. You can’t. So you pick up - we pick up - and we fix what we can.” It’s bitter medicine, but truth always is. Dean just needs his brother to swallow. “She’s gone, Sam, but you’re still here. So am I.”
Still fits kinda doesn't it?
If it's still valid today, it's to the credit of that first group of writers who cared so much (or at least ENOUGH) about the boys to make us care, too.
BTW. Re-reading your journal is too much fucking fun. Just read about Frosty. You know? You write one of the best Johns out there. I miss your John.
Well, who am I kidding I miss John. :(
Anytime you need a poke or a prod - let me know - otherwise I will just sit here and stalk your journal and tags under "fic"
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