Title: Ask Heechul - Fifth Edition with Donghae Guesting Pairing: None Rating: G Length: 2608 words Summary: Donghae gets to fill in for Heechul in his advice column in exchange for doing the dishes for Heechul.
ROFLMAO AT ALL THE KIHAE VS EUNHAE SHIPPERS!!!!!!!!!!!! Donghae is apparently one fishy worth fighting for. And...aw...it's so adorable that he loves everyone (other than Donghae, I dun think anyone's capable of this, not even umma Teuk!!!)....
Oooh...can't wait for Heechul's return in the next edition!!!!!!
Comments 19
the next guest is?
Love your story
Oooh...can't wait for Heechul's return in the next edition!!!!!!
This column is GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is great ^_^
Cant wait to read more!! Thanks you!!
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