Title: Ask Heechul - Sixth Edition Pairing: None Rating: G Length: 1324 words Summary: The sixth edition of Heechul's advice column, which is quickly turning into more of a Q&A
omfg bb you're aliveeeeeeeeeee this makes me overjoyed. and then i come to lol at this XD heenim never gets old. and gosh where the fuck do you get these replies from, they're so witty that i would def imagine chul saying these
I love letters 6 and 7!! xDD "I can't multitask like that when I have noobs to pwn." <-- This made me cry. "The whole time he stared at me as if I was naked and his eyes were raping me" <--- Poor baby. *Hugs* Heechul's suggestion must have worked.
I like your writing style, I can totally imagine Heechul writing all of this.
Comments 14
this makes me overjoyed.
and then i come to lol at this XD
heenim never gets old. and gosh where the fuck do you get these replies from, they're so witty that i would def imagine chul saying these
Letter nine was totally my favourite 8D
"I can't multitask like that when I have noobs to pwn." <-- This made me cry.
"The whole time he stared at me as if I was naked and his eyes were raping me" <--- Poor baby. *Hugs* Heechul's suggestion must have worked.
I like your writing style, I can totally imagine Heechul writing all of this.
The last one made me laugh the most.
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