well lets see i dont really have anything to post ummm my dad left for iraq this morning, im tired as fuck. i need a beer. im fuckin bored. i got a new jacket that cost me three dollars.
and the new ice cream smash bot song is pretty damn cool(zombie beach party)
if ya dont know the site here it is
May 08, 2005 14:43
well i think im turning into an alcoholic... ive been doing stupider and stupider things when im drunk and its startin to make me really pist off at myself. helped wally move to wheatland all yesterday, damn near killed me, somoked a lot. drank a lot. played a lot of halo.....god damn im fuckin sore and exhausted
May 08, 2005 14:38
Work it
make it
do it
makes us
More than
work is
Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger
more than ever hour after our work is never over
May 06, 2005 11:21
I GOT THE FUCKIN JOB YA I GOT IT I GOT IT I GOT IT well its only a crappy golf course job, but I GOT THE FUCKIN JOB
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May 04, 2005 22:47
well im goin to go to a job interview tomorrow at 8:00 in the morning im freakin nervous as hell. i know i should have gotten a job years ago. but i never really got the chance. so now im 18 years old still in high school without a car, without a job, goin for my first job interview....oh ya im doin real well for myself.
May 04, 2005 00:04
well my father is going to iraq in under a week(he will be gone for a year). the rest of the family thinks hes going to be safely locked up in a military base traing our troops how to fight. well he told me the other day that hes not going to be safely trapped in the base, hes going out every day on convoys to an iraq police station to train the
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May 02, 2005 00:13
fuckin porno e mails i go in and its all like hey anthony whats up, so im like hey i know this dude and then i go in and its all good then it says hey u gotta check out this its hella cool so i click the link and ALL I SEE IS TITTEIES AND A GIANT HORSE PENIS...........WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!