"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
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Thank you elmo_iscariot for posting this. I agree with you, this would have been ALL OVER the news as why we need tighter and more gun control laws IF it had been successful
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Currently under consideration by Rutgers University as ways to save money next fiscal year:
-Furloughs -Salary freeze
Currently under consideration by at least OIT management:
-Voluntary reduction of employee positions from 12 month employment to 10 month employment, not working July and August, with a 1/6th reduction in pay.
And after the last entry's amusement, I found out today someone who was a very good friend of mine in high school died yesterday... Indirectly from cancer. Friends of mine from high school are not supposed to go to get a biopsy and die from complications.