Ugh. I'm such a post-whore, no? I'm really sorry if I'm breaking some sort of unwritten rule--I probably should've waited longer after my last post or at least merged the two together... Regardless, I promise I'll wait a tad longer before I post again.
Because they're cool, aand I can. :3 I think I exaggerated their features a tad, but they all look as close as I think I could get them. 2 outfits for each so then it's like Tekken.
{{Everything has been a tad dreary lately, no? I feel a little bad for posting good news while the rest of you have exams and school and the like, but I figure I may as well. :P
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Kinuka's eyebrows rose dramatically up her forehead as she stared at the report card. A C? Did her teacher have any idea as to how she was doing her job? Kinuka pouted her lips at the current situation. She always did so when she didn't get her way
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