"But... but he's a boy and boys don't like those kind of movies," Patamon protested, horrified. "Ooh, but there is this one, Takeru got it in America. It's about cowboys who kiss. Weird, huh?"
"It does sound weird, cowboys usually fight," Tailmon looked at the movie, "should we watch that one? I'm a bit curious about it," she unconsciusly sniffed at the movie, not like she'd smell what it was about but still.
"Okay," Patamon said after a moment's hesitation. He hoped Takeru wouldn't mind... "Hey! I'll go see if there are any more Starbursts - they're the best! I'll put the movie on for you guys though," he added quickly. "I don't want the baby getting bored."
"We'll be fine, won't we?" she spoke to Cat, he might start answering any time now. As Tailmon waited she watched the movie, making sure Cat could get a nice sight and explaining everything she knew.
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