(no subject)

Jan 17, 2008 20:54

Please comment to this post if you want to participate. It is not enough to join the community, you must be listed here before the sign up ends.

Please make sure to join and read the rules before you sign up. If you do so, you will be required to enter each round (max 2skips are allowed), unless you are voted out or have asked for a bye.
We will start when we get at least 12 participants!

If you want to have second skip, please comment with url link to promo post.

Just paste this code!

http://community.livejournal.com/kirsten_lims/10456.html" _fcksavedurl="http://community.livejournal.com/kirsten_lims/10456.html">http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g153/lapine29/dinara/bank2.png" _fcksavedurl="http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g153/lapine29/dinara/bank2.png" alt="promo" width="332" height="300" border="1">

The sign up for session 2 is open!!!
1loving_w 2 skips
2overevery 1 skip
3lihana 1 skip
4mccrack 1 skip
5morven_eledven2 skips
6supc4ik 1 skip
7wonkiebonky 1 skip
8de_vanille 2 skips
9spiritgreen 1 skip
10 bleutopia 1 skip
11phoebs3094 2 skips
12elena_vlc_15 1 skip
13tulipsprincess 1 skip
14slut_doll 1 skip
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