And people who continue to threaten to do it are worse.
If a person has no one, then that's more understanding. But if a person does have others, and does it anyway, then that person is saying "None of you were good enough for me. In fact, you all were so worthless that I was (literally) better off dead."
People who have people to talk to have no excuse to try and get attention by threatening to hurt themselves. They should try to talk about their problems with their friends/family- that's what they're there for. And people who have people to talk to and really are having serious problems have no excuse either. They should at least try to talk about their issues to someone else.
Thanks Raisa I realy needed to be yelled at (even if it was over the internet) I was in a pritty crappy mood today and went back to thinking about that. And it's not for the resons up there (points at post and replies) but because I'm just not good enough to be your friend.
Because really Steph, you are worthy of all of us. And if for some reason I would believe that you weren't, then obviously I'm not worth bothering with.
Comments 5
If a person has no one, then that's more understanding. But if a person does have others, and does it anyway, then that person is saying "None of you were good enough for me. In fact, you all were so worthless that I was (literally) better off dead."
People who have people to talk to have no excuse to try and get attention by threatening to hurt themselves. They should try to talk about their problems with their friends/family- that's what they're there for. And people who have people to talk to and really are having serious problems have no excuse either. They should at least try to talk about their issues to someone else.
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