Realistically, any restructuring or displacing or whatever comes from ABOVE. It's not like you decided that you were going to be displaced, and then fob it off on your colleague. She isn't getting the whole picture here. Yes, it's unfortunate that she's losing her job. Well, so were you. But it was a mistake, on the administration's part, and she should be taking it up with them, not you. Friendship is important, but protecting your career is, too. There's a fine balance there. But you know, you can still be friends with someone if they go to teach at another district or something! It's not the end of the world. She just needs to relax and see that this is NOT personal.
(By the way, know of any music teacher jobs? I'm still looking! :) Hope you are well.)
She would have done the same thing if she was you. She is just frightened right now and she is lashing out at you because she wants to blame someone. Hopefully she will calm down. All you can do is say you are so sorry that she might be moved and that you are really hoping she gets to stay at the same school as you. Tell her that you are her friend but your future is important to you and you didn't want a clerical mistake changing your life. If she cannot understand that then she is being immature and she isn't a real friend.
I know there isn't any real fixer for this but just tell her you are sorry and hope for the best.
It was all fine and dandy when you were the one being chucked away and getting the shitty end of the stick. Now that it's her she wants to blame someone, and of course it's you. People in these situations don't realize they would react the exact same way. She wouldn't have sat around if she knew *she* was the one being wrongly displaced, but she doesn't understand how it is coming from your side. It's a selfish, oppurtunistic view and I'm sorry to see that she's letting that come between your friendship. I'm baffled at how she could even expect you to put yourself on the line for something that is wrong just to be in her favor. Selfish, selfish. You did the right thing sweetie, hopefully she'll come to realize that and you two can work things out on a personal level. I'm glad that you get to keep your job and can stick around there longer. Hopefully those rotten, nasty, mean ol teachers will learn to love you and see you as the rockin' chica you really are =)
You absolutely did the right thing - she is just projecting her anger and fear onto you. Anyone would have done the same thing that you did. When she calms down, if she cannot see that this was not your error to begin with, you may need to re-evaluate your friendship with her in anyways.
Comments 9
(By the way, know of any music teacher jobs? I'm still looking! :) Hope you are well.)
I know there isn't any real fixer for this but just tell her you are sorry and hope for the best.
You did the right thing.
I'm glad that you get to keep your job and can stick around there longer. Hopefully those rotten, nasty, mean ol teachers will learn to love you and see you as the rockin' chica you really are =)
Chin up!
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