I was reminded of this journal somewhat accidentally. I have run across it a few times in the recent past and for a long time was humiliated by several of the posts. My incessant whining and complaining about something I really didnt understand. Ah, Teen Angst. I could write a book. It has been 4 years since my last post... anybody's last post
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i just don't understand. I feel sad and happy, depressed and ecstatic, alone and whole, scared and excited, hopeful and lost, stoic and completely absolutely weak
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Today was Monday. To say that I had a case of the Monday's is an understatement. So while on sunday night i was web camming with my old country day pal nick, i drank almost an entire bottle of vodka. Throughout the night i had dreams about old-his-face my 2 year emotional disaster and woke up on the bathroom floor around 6.30 this morning. The hang
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is valentines day. again. I went to borders and bought a post secret book and another book titled "its called a break up because its broken" the smart girls break up buddy. I hope it bears some magical information that will numb the doubt and emotional paralysis like Novocain for the soul. Do you have any idea how humiliating it is to buy this
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I am tired of hearing that you can't do better. Its a load of crap. You aren't stupid and if you are then you need to leave. Just get out and don't associate yourself with me or any of the women that connect you to me. You are all creative and brilliant yet choose to do absolutely nothing with yourselves. Making $10 an hour is NOT acceptable. Sit
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I hope this is the last time i will talk about this. I am quite sick of thinking about it. When he left i actually cried. hmm Im not even that upset right now. Then again im not home so him being gone may not have hit me yet. The sex was great i must say. And just as i was really opening up to him and trusting him in every way imaginable he had to
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