Title: Portrait
Pairing: Yama (Ohno x Sho)
Rating: PG
Genre: fluff
Disclaimer: Purely fictional, for entertainment only
Summary: Sho drew a pretty good portrait of Ohno for the FreeStyle II art book, but not without some struggles.
Sho needs to turn in Satoshi's portrait by tomorrow.... )
Comments 5
Sho's skill improved slowly ne! XDD
Thanks for sharing ^^
This time he’s drawing with his heart.← I absolutely love this line~! Perfectly wraps everyting up into a warm bundle of Yama pair love~♡
Sometimes, I think Sho is just nottaking art seriously enough, lol~(^ω^)
Man, but when he does, and for the right person/reason, look at what he can accomplish~☆
Happy Yama fated day~! ∞
Yes, his drawing is improved so much...as ohchan said in AD :D.
Feel good fiction, thank you as always.
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