I have come to realize something. I've been thinking on this for a little while now, but what began as hazy emotion is finally forming into a more directed thought: I am BORED with myself
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So in spite of best efforts, I was unable to pick the dock to the deadbolt last night, so Jamie slept in his playpen, and I slept on the cough next to him so I had maximum opportunity to hear Marian if she woke
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Last night I was reminded again that I am not a typical "girl". (most of my friends aren't either, for the record, so I suspect they will relate well to this
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I am starting to believe that tonight I may actually be finishing the "glittens that refuse to be finished". Wish me luck! I want these suckers OUT OF MY HOUSE!! (completed, of course). I'd cross my fingers except I can't knit with crossed fingers which would make the whole knitting part of finishing these glittens rather tricky.
Okay it's official, I am so ready for today to be over. Hopefully this reverse Midas Touch that I've had all day will be gone in the morning, for I am weary of everything I touch turning into complete crap
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