May 19, 2006 11:25
A friend of mine is looking for elf books. She's read Lackey's "Elvenbane" series, and I just handed her "Bedlam's Bard", but I'm coming up surprisingly short on other suggestions. Any good elf authors I should know about?
p.s. wish me luck on the final I haven't studied for yet. It's in 2.5 hours.
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Comments 9
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, though that's more fairyland than elfland. Same with Little, Big and Snow White and Rose Red. (And several others -- let me know if fairyland is to her taste.)
Lords and Ladies, by Terry Pratchett, only the elves aren't quite the same as other elves. Nastier.
I would recommend Laurell K. Hamilton's Merry Gentry series, which is all elves and sex, but...well... the plot is an afterthought and even the sex gets boring after a while. There's only so many faeorgies that one can take.
Pratchett´s /The Wee Free Men/ is also really more about fairies, but another very good read.
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