Title: Adventures in Dating
Summary: Blair's bound and determined not to let newly single life get her down - by finding another boyfriend to keep her distracted from Chuck Bass. Unfortunately for Dan, he's the Sassy Gay Friend (sans gay) along for the ride…
Rating: PG-13/mild R
Word Count: 3757
Pairing: Blair/Dan
“Until my toothbrush and my tampons start living in your bathroom full time, I’m a guest.” )
Comments 16
I hope the Rob thing doesn't last too long though!
I won't say when the Rob thing ends, but when it does it will be spectacular, lol ^_^
Secondly, Dan feeling very Chuck Bass-like as he nurses a tumbler of whisky alone at the bar? Brilliant!
Portland Dude who = Nate Lite? Love it, I see all the potential.
Lastly, dedicating this chapter to me? *glows with an obscene amount of pride*
Great job gurl, keep it up! Am dying for the next chapter already!!!
For some sadistic reason I love writing Dan falling all over himself for the smallest things with Blair; it makes me laugh. Perhaps I am mean.
So, so glad you liked this chapter, next one shouldn't take too long ^_^
Thanks for another great part!
So very happy you're enjoying this so far ^_^
(Also, I so very much appreciated the Princess Diaries shoutout. SQUEE.)
Also: so very thrilled that you're enjoying this so far. Blair in denial is lots of fun to write ^_^
She's so comically vain, I love her. But for Dan's sake, I hope she comes to her senses eventually ;)
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