Flist, this is Hacktar.
Hacktar, this is the flist.
Hacktar is my shiny new Gateway laptop, purchased this weekend. Since he'll be spending most of his time here, I thought a formal introduction would be a good idea in order to get things off on the right foot.
And according to
nicky69's suggestion, he was christened last night by the writing of "
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Comments 15
Very sneaky move there, naming him after a supercomputer.
I absolutely loved THGTTG, when it was first shown on TV. I'm not too bothered about the new movie, it was OK I guess, but the original BBC series was fab, dodgy fake heads and all. I've been watching the reruns on cable and the original Arthur Dent rocks.
So was that the correct one? Do I get a fic, do I, do I?
I was hoping you'd get it. And I had to name him Hactar; my parents had already named theirs DeepThought, so I couldn't use that name, and Trogdor was truly cursed.
The best thing about the new movie, in my opinion, was that they kept the banjo theme from the BBC series. I squeaked with joy when I heard it. (yes I know, dorkdorkdork....)
So yes, of COURSE you get fic! What's your pleasure?
Yep, I think I'm going to plump for, wait for it, CSI. (big surprise, I know*g*)
How about a nice little Gil/Nick fic, where Nick is Gil's superior, but not his supervisor, and Nick has the hots for Gil. I am not averse to a little secret workplace nookie, but I would like Nick to be the one making all the running. Shy!Gil is good, as is forceful, Seductive!Nick. Anything else, I'll leave to your very active, smutty imagination. Go on, surprise me.
Hugs Lou:)
P.S. I know what you mean about the bango theme. In my mind one is inexorably linked with the other, and it wouldn't have been THGTTG without it.
(yes I know, dorkdorkdork....)
Right there with you toots. *g*
Does this mean that you've been reading too much of my stuff, if you can accurately predict my crack!fic?
I'd be scared, hon. ;)
Congratulations on your new minion!
Obviously I need to be more widely read since I had no clue what it was from and I've even read THGTTG!
It is so exciting getting a new computer. Glad to hear he was christened with The Balance of Power. Does that mean we will be able to read more soon, "fingers crossed" "Hoping"
Anyway, so glad for you and all joking aside TBOP is great and i will wait for as long as need be.
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