application for kore_mods.

Oct 08, 2012 17:35

[Player information]
Player Name: Ashe.
Age: 25.
E-mail: such.melodrama[at]gmail[dot]com.
Other characters played at Cape Kore: Hopefully Natasha Romanoff (beencompromised).

[Character information]
Name: Joanna Beth Harvelle, though she answers almost exclusively to Jo.
Canon: Supernatural
Canon Point: Mid-Abandon All Hope. After the Hell Hounds claw her up but before she dies.
Age: 24.

Appearance: Small, skinny blonde tomboy who wears jeans and weapons.
  • One bloodstained outfit (jeans, boots, tank top, jacket)
  • One shotgun
  • One hunting knife
  • One small knife with the initials WAH
  • One wallet with ID, and about thirty dollars
Abilities: Jo has no superhuman abilities, but she is a good fighter, who's good with a gun and a knife. She is well-versed in the occult. She has a tattoo that keeps her from being possessed.

History: Joanna Beth Harvelle was born on April 7, 1985, in Nebraska, the only child of Bill and Ellen Harvelle. Jo grew up knowing about the hunting lifestyle and hanging around Harvelle's Roadhouse. Aside from her parents, she also knew John Winchester growing up, calling him Uncle John. Then, on May 16, 1995, shortly after Jo turned ten, Bill and John were on a hunt and Bill was killed. All she had of him was a small knife with the initials WAH (William Anthony Harvelle). After that, Ellen never really forgave John and he stopped coming around. Meanwhile, Ellen did her best to keep her daughter from being a hunter. This went about as well as you might expect.

In 2006, when she was 21, Jo met Sam and Dean Winchester. She saw the pair when they would come into the Roadhouse, and their meetings were often interesting, to say the least. Eventually, this led to her hunting on her own, against her mother's wishes. She ended up kidnapped by a spirit and had to be rescued by Sam and Dean. Still, she did manage to help them stop him by trapping him in a ring of salt and sealing him up in concrete. When she returned to the Roadhouse, Ellen told her the truth about her father and John Winchester, to discourage her being a hunter and to keep her away from the Winchesters.

Shortly after this, Jo left home to become a solo hunter and took a job in a bar Duluth, Minnesota. Unfortunately Sam, possessed by the demon Meg, showed up there and took her hostage. The demon mostly played mind games with Jo, telling a version of how her father died that was disturbing and likely untrue since it was playing on her emotions. Dean showed up soon after and saved her, then went off after his brother. She later found him shot and badly injured. She patched him up, then he left. Two months later the Roadhouse was destroyed by demons and Jo reunited with her mother.

They spent the next two and a half years between hunting together and going their separate ways. After Lucifer was released and the apocalypse began, the pair went to help their friend Rufus in River Pass, Colorado, where the town was infested with demons. Jo and Ellen got separated, Jo teaming up with Rufus. When they ran into each other again, they both thought the other was a demon. Jo and Rufus captured Sam, thinking he was a demon, and tried to exorcise him. It was then they realized that none of them were demons and someone was playing with all of them. This was revealed to be the work of the Horseman of War, and he was defeated and his ring of power taken.

Jo and Ellen again teamed up with the Winchesters two months later, to get the Colt from the demon Crowley and take down Lucifer. Dean, who Jo had always had a crush on, propositioned her the night before they went to Carthage, Missouri, as a "last night on Earth thing", but she decided she preferred her self-respect. Unfortunately, it was her last night on Earth. The next day, in Carthage, Meg attacked the group with her Hellhounds. As she was trying to save Dean, who was being attacked, Jo was mauled by one of the Hounds and was fatally wounded. The Winchesters and Ellen got her into a hardware store, but she was beyond help. She got them to make a bomb and give her the detonator, so she could destroy the Hellhounds after they got out the back exit. But before she could do any of that, she was in Kore.

Personality: Jo is very much the kind of Midwest girl who can take care of herself and doesn't take any shit from anyone. Growing up in a bar, surrounded by hunters, Jo's never been especially feminine or interested in anything "normal" girls like. While most girls love make up and romantic comedies, she likes knives and shotguns and a nice night at the bar. And REO Speedwagon. She loves them. She's tough talking, independent, and hard to impress. But while she has a tough as nails exterior, she really is a fragile girl who still has a lot of growing up to do. She has a lot of insecurities, and she wants nothing more than to prove that she's good enough. Her mother has often indicated that Jo isn't cut out for life as a hunter but, while this may be true, she tries hard and she's not the type to give up. Persistent or stubborn as a bull by turns, she doesn't really know how to back down when good sense dictates you should.

You know that phase kids have when they're about four or five and they decide they can do everything for themselves and god forbid you try and help them? Even stuff they very clearly can't do on their own...because they're four or five? Yeah...Jo never really grew out of that phase. She still believes she can do just about anything herself and ignores anyone who implies she can't or that she might need help. She's ruled by her emotions and she's temperamental, and she can talk the talk with the best of them. Sometimes, she can even back up her words. She's confident in her own skills, some might even say foolhardy, and impetuous enough to rush headlong into things without too much thought. She's honest and straightforward and loyal to a fault, sometimes even to her own detriment.

Jo is an emotional person, and has a hard time not reacting to situations that upset her or make her angry. Her buttons are easy to push and she's not very good at hiding what she feels. It's always written clear as day. That said, she's a fairly decent actress when the job calls for it, and she knows how to use her feminine wiles to her advantage. She's also pretty good at hustling, and doesn't look too hard at the moral issues of screwing a few people out of some cash now and then. But she's a hard-worker and she fights for everything she gets. People constantly underestimate her, so she's always had to prove herself, as both a person and a hunter. Self-respect is important to Jo. Her own opinion of herself is always going to mean more to her than someone else's, unless that someone else is her mom, and she's not going to compromise her integrity for anyone's sake.

Jo is compassionate. She cares about people and wants to help them and do good things, putting others before herself. She will go out of her way to help a stranger, but she's also not a naive ingenue. She has a healthy suspicion of other people like all good hunters, and she doesn't just take people at their word. She's got a kind of jaded view of men and relationships, growing up around men who weren't looking for more than to get into her pants. She's not someone who's easily impressed, and she does daydream of meeting the white knight type. But she's definitely not a damsel, and she'll probably punch you if you ever imply it. She has simple tastes and she loves her family fiercely. Anyone who hurts them, or tries to, instantly gets on her bad side. She'd die for her mother in a heartbeat, and she knows her mother would do the same for her.

If you dig deep down, you'll find there's a sweetness and a charm to Jo. She's friendly and personable, qualities that have developed organically from working in a bar and dealing with people that way all her life. Her humor is teasing and sometimes a little wicked and she's a master of sarcasm. She knows how to put people at ease and likes to do so. What you see is very much what you get with Jo, but what you see depends on the angle you're looking from. That's to say Jo doesn't hide any part of who she is, but she's complex and depending on how you look, there's always more to discover about her. And did I mention she likes REO?

[Samples] (Linking or copying posts from another game or PSL is completely fine.)
First Person: Here. (There's no action tags on IJ, but I do know how to incorporate those. This is more just to show her voice. If you'd like another sample, I can write one up.)

Third Person: Here.

Anything Else?
